Friday, June 28, 2013

Miracle through One Storm and Ahead of Another

 Storm approaching at sunset by Dee Kamp

Miracle Through One Storm and Ahead Another

The Lord will always walk with us through every storm that comes along in our life. But on this night He surprised us with even more than we could have ever hoped for.

In my desperation I prayed, and the LORD listened;
he saved me from all my troubles.
 For the angel of the LORD is a guard;
 he surrounds and defends all who fear him.”
 Psalm 34:6-7

My husband Bill is a five year esophageal cancer survivor and we give God all the glory for his recovery. During these past few years due to the chemo and radiation treatments Bill will experience a side effect of food sometimes getting what we call “stuck”. He can breathe but he is in distress and has had to go to the hospital a couple of times for a procedure to remove the food.

In June of this year we had been traveling for nearly a month camping in our motor in and around Washington State in some remote and beautiful destinations. The trip was wonderful but unfortunately Bill was experiencing some troublesome times with swallowing his food.

In every instance so far things had eventually worked out fine for him, then one evening at dinner things didn’t go down well.  We were camping some thirty miles away from the nearest town and a road that led across a small dam in Eastern Washington.

It became obvious I needed to drive Bill to a hospital for help. We located the nearest hospital with an emergency room and set our GPS with its address for directions.   Before getting into the car I quickly text some family members and friends and asked them to pray for us. For I knew I was about to embark on journey, in a storm of worry on unfamiliar roads.

On the way to the hospital we saw huge thunder clouds and heard on the radio to expect scattered storms. I prayed they were scattered far from us.

We arrived at the emergency room thirty-five minutes later and I breathed a sigh of relief.  The tiny hospital had a kind and efficient staff. But our peace was about to be shattered.
The doctor on call stepped in and spoke in a voice so soft we had to lean forward to hear his startling news. “I’m so sorry, I know it’s been nearly two hours of this choking, but you will have to drive seventy-two miles to another town for a doctor to help you. We have no one in our area on call.  I have already called ahead for a team to be waiting for your arrival. Again, I’m so, so sorry.”

My knees went weak. I thought only to myself “Another town nearly two hours away. Another road I am unfamiliar with and who knew what the weather was doing now, oh my goodness Lord!” I prayed silently calling on the Lord for His strength to see me thorough it-this had to be done that’s all. I cried out to the Lord for strength; this had to be done, but I couldn’t do it without His help.

“I prayed to the LORD, and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:4 NLT

Once more I got an address for our GPS and urged Bill now weak and shaky into the car to begin our drive.  I realized then that one of my favorite Scriptures was running through my mind as if whispered over and over. It was from Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” I repeated it over and over feeling a sureness God was with us.

Just as pulled the car out of the emergency entrance parking lot, huge rain drops began to splatter on the windshield. The thunder boomed around us sending shivers up my spine.

White knuckling the steering wheel I began to journey down the hill from the hospital and paused a moment longer than normal at the stop sign trying to get my bearings. Which way do I turn to go to the highway?  Then I jumped startled by Bill’s unusually clear voice calling out —“Stop!”

Completely taken aback I turned to him and asked, “What’s wrong?”

He lifted up his head and turned to me with a huge smile on his face! “It’s gone! The food in my throat is gone and I can swallow! And with that he reached for the bottled water and took a huge drink!”

“How can it be? It’s never happened with you when it’s been this long?” I said with huge a huge sigh of relief and shouted out, “Praise God! It’s for sure a miracle.”
Then I giggled thinking of what the doctor back at ER was going to think. I turned the car around, got out and walked once more back into the ER. When I found the doctor he looked at me a bit startled.

“It’s gone,” I said simply. “The food has dislodged and Bill can swallow now.”

“Are you sure? The doctor asked, “Maybe he should come back in here for me to exam him?”

“It’s not necessary doctor,” I said. “He is out there right now drinking down a bottle of water. I’m sorry to inconvenience you, but could you call and cancel the staff waiting for us?”

“But that’s not possible,” he uttered in dismay.

I said with a smile, “Do you believe in miracles?”

Turning to one of the nurses he said, “I guess I do now.”

My relief so great I was on top of the mountain with joy.  But I had forgetting about the lightening storm descending upon us. The wipers were now going as fast as they could but we arrived safely back at camp where it came down and around us with a vengeance.  

 Lightening struck a tree right in our campground, but we were safe. Rain poured so hard it flooded the little roads. And later we learned lightening had started a grass fire on the way highway to that other town we were suppose to go to for help.

God had turned us around and brought us back to camp safely ahead of the storm.

God did the impossible that night. He took us through one storm with a miracle of healing, and turned us around to get home safely ahead of another. With God, there is wonder and hope in every storm we face.

I will praise the LORD at all times. I will constantly speak his praises.
 I will boast only in the LORD; let all who are helpless take heart.
Come, let us tell of the LORD’s greatness; let us exalt his name together.”
 Psalm 34:1-3 NLT

“Miracle Through One Storm and Ahead of Another” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© June 28, 2013

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Crazy Extravagant Love

Crazy Extravagant Love

I listened to my friend speak of his neighbor and how this young man owed a debt he could not pay and was far behind in his original commitment to pay in a timely manner. 

The young man told my neighbor he wanted to hide and to ignore the problem but instead he came to the one he owed the debt and something he didn’t expect happened, something ridiculous—he found crazy extravagant love.

Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly,
love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love.”
 1 Corinthians 13:13 Message

Trusting in God gives us courage to be consistent and constant in obeying Him no matter what our circumstances are or how our minds are in conflict.

Hope holds us to the course to set sail against all tides of emotions which wash over us and say turn around, jump ship, turn back!

Love, extravagant love—there is nothing in this world like it. It goes beyond all human reason and cannot to be touched or matched in the manner in which it will reconcile people to God.

 Nothing can touch extravagant love— it rocks the world and it boggles people’s minds. It’s unexpected, undeserved and God is in it all the way.

 My friend’s neighbor had been living in a love-drought for some time. He knew he didn’t deserve mercy. It was the last thing he expected.

God’s formula of trust plus hope plus love began to work in this young man. Trust set him in motion to try, hope expanded his horizon to take the next step and love-crazy extravagant love, spread deep roots in his heart and a new found faith in God.

There is a love drought going on in our world today and we’ve got the water. Let us be willing to be ridiculous and determined to love with crazy extravagant love.

 “Many things are possible for the person who has hope. Even more possible for the person who has faith. And still more possible for the person who knows how to love. But everything is possible with all three.” Brother Lawrence

“Crazy Extravagant Love” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© June 27, 2013

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Miracle on the Old Dusty Shelf

Cascade Mountains by Dee Kamp
Miracle on the Old Dusty Shelf

We had been preparing for our month long trip for some time. Off and on as a book would come to mind I would jot it down on my packing list. 

My list was growing! Oh I do love books. But one book title kept coming to my mind to add to this list, and this was so strange— I didn’t even own this book! By the third time this book title popped into my head I finally realized— it was God who was nudging me to get it and read it.

But you have received the Holy Spirit, and he lives within you;
 so you don’t need anyone to teach you what is true.
For the Spirit teaches you everything you need to know,
 and what he teaches is true-it is not a lie.
So just as he has taught you, remain in fellowship with Christ.”
1 John 3:27 NLT

This book, which persisted in my mind, was written by Joyce Meyer called Battle Field of the Minds. 
 Before we left on the trip I checked some of the stores I shop at regularly but it was not there and I knew I didn’t have time to look any further or buy it on line. So, I figured I’d just get it when I returned home, no big deal. But no, God had other plans.

Our first destination of camping was in a very small town with no book stores. I browsed the junk and thrift shops for books, but it wasn’t there either. After more than a week we were in our new camp ground up in the Cascade Mountains. This too was a very small community with no book stores. Most R.V. parks have book exchanges for the campers but this park was so small I doubted they had one. 

 The opportunity came when I was in their laundry room and saw in the corner one tiny book case with well worn old dusty paperback books. I wandered over to the book shelf which held less than twenty books and all were just books of romance and mysteries. 

As I looked up on the top shelf I spotted a book sticking out amongst the paperbacks. I was caught by surprise that it was brand new looking, and a hard copy book. Then my jaw dropped! It was the Joyce Meyer book God had been urging me to read! I asked myself how that book could be here where there was not one other new book and not one other Christian book to found.

I laughed out loud and said, not caring who heard, “Okay Lord, I get it—I’m to read this book on this trip!” 
With joy and a new skip in my step I took the book back to the motor home and began to read and to be blessed by the teaching of her book.

It is vitally important that we line up our thoughts with God’s thoughts. If we stay in His Word, and if we listen with our heart for Him to speak, we will be surprised what we’ll hear and discover— even a miracle of a brand new book, on one and old dusty shelf.

Feeling a nudge in your spirit today?
If it’s God, it won’t go away.
If is God it’s for the good,
For you or for someone He puts in your way.

“Miracle on and Old Dusty Shelf” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© June 26, 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Every Heart

Photo: Bridal Falls, Yosemite Park by Dee Kamp

Every Heart
 God has more patience, grace and time for us than a loving mother of a toddler with a tantrum. 

I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God.
 Bend down and listen as I pray.
Show me your unfailing love in wonderful ways…” Psalm 17:6-7

There is always a good occasion for payer with God, both early and late. We don’t need to dress for the occasion, memorize or practice first what we should pray.  We can never bother God; He has all the time in the world for us.

 If God had His own Face Book page it would be filled daily with dozens of His favorite pictures of us. His computer screen saver would have rotating photos of us from the day we were born and of every to this very day. Let’s face it, let’s really grasp and understand it deep in our hearts— God is crazy in love with us!

 What does God expect of you and me? Simply that we are sure to goof up and often want to give up. We may forget God, but God never forgets us. A saint isn't someone who never falls, but one who gets up, prays and gets up every time he falls down- knowing God is there to pick us up again and again. 

God never expects perfection but simply to receive His perfect love for us and share it with others.

 We may lose track of Him, but God never has, and never will lose track of us. He is eager for the pleasure of our company, it was for this very reason we were born.
 It matters not what state we live in or the state of our mind. We need only whisper His Name and know He is right beside us.  God hears every beat, understands every dream and desire of our heart.

 Prayer is our personal conversation with God no matter where we are, who we are with and what mayhem is going on around us every heart which seeks Him always receives His full and loving attention.  

 From: “Every Heart” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries©