Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Faith Muscles

Photo by Dee Kamp
Faith Muscles

Flipping through a magazine the other day I paused to read an ad for running shoes that promised to help build beautiful muscles, greater self-confidence, stronger willpower and true grit within one to get through even life’s tough times.

“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth

 to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him…”

2 Chronicles 16:9 NIV


But I wanted to rewrite the ad and tell the world the Truth. All we need is faith and hope in God to help build the most beautiful muscles for endurance and confidence―faith muscles!

It’s not too difficult to tie on a pair of running shoes but it takes faith to get you through a marathon and up the high hills. It takes more than good shoes and a fitness routine to face fear, heartbreak and stormy circumstances that come our way every day.


The steeper the climb in life, the more grit, the more strength the Lord will provide. Unlike running shoes, God never wears out, He never tires of supplying us the strength we need to get us through the impossible.

We won’t find an ad in a magazine on how to build heavenly faith muscles. But we can honestly say it wasn’t the shoes we wore that build up our hope and endurance, it was the Lord’s strength lifting us up, developing our faith muscles and giving us wings to fly like the eagle.


“And He will raise you up on eagle’s wings,

Bear you on the breath of dawn,

Make you to shine like the sun,

And hold you in the palm of His hand”.―African Song
"Faith Muscles" by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Encouraging Words

Sixteen Kites by Dee Kamp
Encouraging Words

“The teacher thought I was smarter than I wuz. So I wuz!”

I have this quote near my computer and it always makes me smile.  I don’t know the author any more, but just as it was true for this little child, it became true for me.

 It wasn’t until my senior year that I heard those amazing words from my mentor and teacher.  Who knew those words would shoot me like a star to make it on the honor roll for the very first time?

Encouragement with God’s wisdom and in righteousness can make a down trodden soul glitter and shine.

And those who are wise―the people of God―shall shine as brightly as the sun’s brilliance,

 and those who turn many to righteousness will glitter like stars forever.”

Daniel 12:3 TLB


One reading volunteer I worked with in the local elementary school a few years ago, who had the greatest success with struggling readers one was nearly ninety years old.

Many others who volunteered often came with more titles, education and experience, but it was this woman’s great love and same simple words of encouragement that continually taught a child to read and reach higher levels than ever before. She would say over and over, “You are smarter than you think, keep on trying”.

No one is ever too young or too old for the need to be encouraged. No one is ever too young or too old to convey it.  There is no limit to what God can do through one who lovingly encourages another.

One of the things that can have a powerful effect on all of us is someone saying in a deep abiding affirmative, “God believes in you and I believe in who you are because of the gifts that He has put within you.”

Kind words, encouraging words can be short and easy to say, but they sing a song in the heart that is truly endless.


“Encouraging Words” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© October 24, 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

An Unexpected Thorn Covered Bush

 Thorn bush in the grass dunes by Dee Kamp
An Unexpected Thorn Covered Bush

This winding path to the ocean through the beautiful flowing dune grasses is one of my most favorite walks of all.  For nearly twenty years I’ve walked this particular path but not once did I notice in the midst of the beautiful wheat colored dune grasses a menacing looking dark green bush with long mean thorns.

So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

 Come close to God and God will come close to you.

Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts,

for your loyalty is divided between God and the world.”

James 4:7-8 NLT


I didn’t see the invasive plant until a friend who was walking this path for the first time with me pointed it out. I was shocked not I or anyone else in the area saw this nasty plant growing, prospering, and pushing out the natural grasses of the area.

We all know the saying that you can’t see the forest for the trees. And that is true about seeing things, reading things, even wearing things these days that may look okay by the world but  are like a sneaky green thorn bushes undermining our faith and trying to steal our hearts away from God.


Without realizing it we may be overlooking a thorn covered bush of immorality trying invade our homes, our families, and our hearts. We need God’s Word, His fresh eyes to point it out every day.


O Loving God send your Holy Spirit to me

That He may touch my eyes and make me see

Show me the truth that the world tries to hide

Open Your Word to my heart-it’s my trustworthy guide.


“An Unexpected Thorn Covered Bush” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© October 23, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Its Never Too Late

Photo by Dee Kamp
It’s Never Too Late

“Can I pray for you?” I spoke softly to the man lying in his bed at the Veterans Hospital. My voice was shaky and my heart fluttered for I was a brand new Christian back then and I’m not one to be very bold in praying for strangers.

 I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message

 and believe in God who sent me have eternal life.

They will never be condemned for their sins,

but they have already passed from death into life.”

John 5:24 NLT

My heart felt a great sadness for this elderly man who was a First World War veteran like my grandfather. They shared a room and many years on common ground. Every time I visited my grandfather he would tell me no one came to see George.  George didn’t look very good to me on this particular day, I felt a big tug in my heart to reach out to him.  

When I spoke to George he turned his head a little and said, “Save your prayers for those who can use them. I’m too messed up and it’s too late for me now.”

I silently prayed to the Lord for the right words and the courage to press on. “George,” I said, “with Jesus, its ever too late. There’s never too much of anything in a person’s life that Jesus is not able to forgive. Will you pray with me now?”

George didn’t say a word, he only nodded his head. I drew up my courage and touched him lightly on his shoulder and watched as he closed his eyes. George didn’t repeat the prayer out loud but just as I finished he sighed deeply and fell sound asleep.

To be bold enough to reach out to a stranger and to share God’s Word is not an easy task for those of us who are shy. I learned an important life lesson that day as a new Christian, God will give us His power to share His truth in His great love.

On my next visit to see Grandpa I was sad to learn George had passed away that very same night after I had prayed with him.

It’s never too late to receive the love and forgiveness of Jesus, it’s never too late for us to reach out to another― it may be the last thing they hear this side of heaven.



“It’s Never Too Late” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© October 22, 2013

Monday, October 21, 2013

Street Corner of Our Confusion

Photo by : Dee Kamp
Street Corner of Our Confusion


His arms and hands were waving about, his whole body became animated as his face expressed great agitation. I observed all this from my car and couldn’t stop from laughing.



Several years ago my girlfriend and I took a holiday to Vancouver British Columbia. The trip to the city went well until we got lost trying to find our hotel. So my friend pulled the car into the nearest gas station and asked an attendant standing outside for direction.


She held the map out to the man in one hand and with the other was jabbing the place over and over on the map where she wanted to go. I could not hear the words spoken but the body and sign language told the whole story ―telling the way just wasn’t enough.


Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning,

for I am trusting you.

Show me where to walk for I give myself to you.

Psalm 143:8 NLT


Finally the man at the gas station shook his head and to the surprise of my friend took her by the arm and led her to the street corner and pointed the way to go. The next thing I witnessed were smiles, laughter and a handshake.


We have laughed about this experience for years and I always repeat to her, “Yes indeed, showing is far better than telling every time!”


The Good Book is a life map, in which God has beautifully created word pictures showing us the best way and the surest way to go.  


When we seek God to find our way it’s as if He takes us by the hand to the street corner of our confusion and by His Holy Spirit will show our heart the best and surest way we should go every time.


“Street Corner of Our Confusion” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© October 21, 2013

Friday, October 18, 2013

I Hear You

Photo by : Dee Kamp
I Hear You


It was a dark and stormy day, exactly how you would think a writer would begin a story to draw you into it and make you wonder what would happen next.


But this was my stormy day story several years ago and I recall it and wonder at it many times over and over again. It wasn’t the threatening cold November clouds above me that made me fearful and sad that day― it was the storm of emotions racing within my heart making me tremble in anticipation of the day ahead.

 Call to me and I will answer you…”

 Jeremiah 33:3 NIV

I gripped the steering wheel of the car and pressed on for it was time again for one of Bill’s all day chemo treatments and I knew by the past experiences how hard it was going to be on him


In silent prayer I called out “Oh Lord, help me, I need you, and I need your strength today. Oh Lord if only I could know in some special way you have heard me call to You.


Traffic moved slowly increasing my uneasiness and I was beginning to wonder if we would be late.  I glanced at Bill who was quiet and peaceful, his faith as strong and steadfast as always. He called this time with fighting cancer, “A bump in the road.”


Something caught my eye and I heard Bill suddenly call out “Look!” “It’s a Bald Eagle flying right over us. It looks like its leading us right down the road!”


It was an amazing sight that went on and on. The Bald Eagle with his wings gloriously outstretched and soaring just ahead of us.


Perhaps the eagle had a nest in that grove of cedar trees up ahead on the hill. Perhaps not. But I felt my heart soaring right along with the eagle. I just knew it was God’s way of letting me know He heard me and always would –even when driving down a highway. In my heart I could hear the Lord say, “I hear you, I will lead the way, and I will be your strength.”


“I never prayed sincerely for anything but that it came. At some time, no matter at how distant a day, somehow, in some shape-probably the last I should devise-it came.”― Adoniram Judson quoted from Magnificent Prayer by Nick Harrison


“I Hear You” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© October 18, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

When You Are

Waterfall White Pass WA by Dee Kamp
When You Are

When you are falling down …His Word is the foundation you can stand upon

When you are tired…He will refresh and inspire

When you are lost…He will seek you until found

When you are weak…He is your strength

When you cry…He already knows why

When everyone turns away…He’s never left your side, He’s there to stay

When confusion reigns…He is the sorter of all truth

When shame is a torturous flame…He is the cool water to put out the fire

When there is nothing left, not people, not health, not wealth…He is all you need

When you are depressed…one thought of Him and you are pressed to His chest in love

When you see a shooting star…He’s the One who sent it just for you

When the world is but a huge roar in your ears…He’s the plain honest truth in your heart

When the arrows fly, and the rocks are sharp…He is your shield, His blood He shed for you

When you are misunderstood…He always understands

When no one will listen…He always hears and understands every word you say

When you thirst and know not what for…He will quench your thirst by His Word

When your thoughts are wild things flying high…He is the tamer of them all

When in the night when all thoughts appear all black and white…He is the painter of light to your soul

When you can’t take a step forward…He picks you up and dances with you to the moon

When you feel afraid and shy…He will make you laugh and hold your head up high

When something scares you and says boo…He will lift His lion head and say shoo!

When all dreams are shattered…He reshapes and creates and gives new hope for tomorrow

When you are sick to death…He reminds you heaven waits

When no treasures can be found…that’s when you discover He is your rarest treasure of all


Unfailing love and truth have met together.

 Righteousness and peace have kissed!

 Truth springs up from the earth, and righteous smiles down from heaven.

 Yes, the LORD pours down his blessings….”

Psalm 85:10-12 NLT


“When You Are” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© October 15, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

Seeing With the Heart

Double Rainbow over Astoria Bridge by Dee Kamp
Seeing With the Heart

“Grandpa! I believe, I believe now with all my heart what my eyes could not see!”

This is quote is from my children’s story “The Whales Sang and Danced”. When a wise grandfather who loved the Lord and shared with his beloved granddaughter that faith is believing with the heart what the eyes can’t see.

Reasoning does not attain the glorious discovery of God, but a child-like faith always will.

By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God’s command,

that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen.”

Hebrews 11:3 NLT

Those who seek to know God by knowledge are really seeking to satisfy their own reasoning of Him. They are seeking God by other means rather than discovering a depth of joy found in the unseen realms hidden in the heart of every believer.

Faith in God and His Word becomes real, personal and passionate when He is sought with the heart and not by sight. In our heart there is a peace that passes all understanding.

And there is the place God lives, where He keeps His throne and communicates Himself to us who enter there in faith.

In those times of great need to know, when we yearn for facts, want answers and explanations that is the exact time when God calls us to trust in Him. Come seek Him with all our heart and we will find Him waiting there.  

Seeing with the heart and not by sight gives one a great advantage over those who are still too blind to see.

Seeing with the heart and believing by faith is a gift of good sight from God.

“Seeing With the Heart” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© October 14, 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

My Heart Heard You First

Photo: Spring Hill Lambs by Dee Kamp
My Heart Heard You First

I made the journey to see him as the news was he was fading fast and would soon be home with Jesus. I wasn’t even sure my favorite Uncle Ed would know me or recognize me in his present state of illness.

I dearly loved this old Norwegian uncle who was always full of laughter, made me laugh and told me crazy stories of his childhood growing up on the farm in North Dakota. We had a special bond since my birth.

I called out to him, “Uncle Ed, can you hear me?”

The gatekeeper opens the gate for him,

and the sheep recognize his voice and come to him.

He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.

After he has gathered his own flock,

 he walks ahead of them,

 and they follow him

because they know his voice.”

 John 10:3-4 NLT


To the surprise of not only me, but those standing nearby, Uncle Ed turnrd his head and in a very weak voice called out, “Deanne! Ya sure, dats you! I heard ya with my heart first!”

Just as the sheep know their shepherd’s voice above all the other voices around them, those who choose to follow Jesus hear and know His voice above all the confusing voices of this world.

Jesus never forgets or loses sight of His sheep and knows us all by name. Our Shepherd never ever forgets the sound of our voice― even if it has been a very long time since we have called out to Him.

Though our ears may not hear above the din of this world, it is our heart that will hear Him first and foremost, it is His heart that will lead us to Him.

“My Heart Heard You First” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© October 9, 2013






Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Heavenly Time

Storm at the Jetty by Dee Kamp
A Heavenly Time

The seaward winds from the Pacific Ocean are blasting us with strong gusts rattling the windows and doors and shaking our motor home like a ship at sea today. We are parked near the sand dunes and I literally feel the pounding of waves.

 It’s early October and the shore birds and geese are gathering in huge flocks in preparation for their southern destinations. But today, for all our feathered friends― all flight plans are cancelled.

I know, O LORD, that a man’s life is not his own;

 it is not for man to direct his steps.”

Jeremiah 10:23 NIV


How often have we had plans, flight or afoot, that have suddenly been cancelled by storms in the weather, or circumstances beyond dour control tossed into our lives? We can find ourselves without family or friends, but grounded and suddenly left alone to wait it out.

But this can be the perfect time, a simply wonderful quiet time to be alone with God. In these moments we discover all over again how God is really in control of all heaven and earth

 It God’s Sovereignty that gives us hope and strength knowing He is not up there somewhere but in the  moment, and in smallest detail of our lives wherever we are.

When our plans are called to a halt, when all flights are cancelled, and everything seems to not be going as we had planned, it may be God’s way of calling us to draw closer to Him and enjoy His sweet companionship.  

It’s always the perfect time to come and have a heavenly time alone with God.


“When storms of life are round me beating,

When rough the path that I have I have trod,

Within my closet doors retreating,

I love to be alone with God.


Alone with God the world forbidden,

Alone with Him O blest retreat!

Alone with God and in Him hidden,

To hold with Him communion sweet.” ―Hymnal,

From: Springs in the Valley


“A Heavenly Time” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© October 8, 2013

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

New Morning

Sunrise by Dee Kamp
New Morning

 “Happy Birthday. How do you feel about turning sixty today?” I asked.

“How I do I know? I’ve never been this age before,” my brother declared with a smile.

This is the day the LORD has made.

We will rejoice and be glad I it.”

 Psalm 118:24 NLT

 I pondered the deeper truth to my brother’s statement while writing down today’s date and time at the top of my daily journal this morning. It’s true, I’ve not been this age, or in this time ever before.  

God has infinite time to give us, but how does He do it? He does not give it out in a huge tract of time, or in one long millennium but ever so wisely He cuts it up into a neat succession of new mornings.

Today is the first time we are here, in this time and space. How do we know how it will turn out? It’s all new to us!

 Well, we don’t know. But this we can know for certain, we will never face it alone. Our faithful and loving God promises to always be with us, morning by morning, hour by hour, every moment of the day and night.

This is our new day. And each precious day is like stepping into a stream of fresh flowing water filled with new ideas, opportunities, healing and hope when Christ is living His life through us.

“This New Day” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© October 2, 2013





Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sweet as a Songbird's Refrain

Song Sparrow by Dee Kamp
Sweet As a Songbird’s Refrain

At sunrise I heard the sweet songbird’s refrain. It made me think of how our prayers must sound and be received by God. Oh, how delighted He is every time we sing our heart out to Him.

Prayer simply stated is a heartfelt conversation between two who love each other. Prayer doesn’t require words spoken but is always heard and understood when it’s but from a humble and hopeful heart.

Then when you call, the LORD will answer.
 ‘Yes, I am here,’ he will quickly reply.”
 Isaiah 58:9

Prayer is the lining up of the soul and mind and heart to God. No matter if we feel our words are too weak, or that they are not in perfect order, and though may be sung a bit off key-it’s still a prayer dearly loved by God.


Prayer and love and are linked together. It’s what prompts us to pray not only for ourselves, but for those whom we love and even for those who we may not agree.


Prayer is what urges us in our most stressful moments to be to still desire to praise God in all our daily circumstances and situations. Our prayers acknowledge God and show our dependency upon Him.


Feel free at any moment, in any place or time, even just where you are right now- to pray! From a human side, prayer disconnects us from this world and places us instantly at His mercy seat.


By God’s Sovereignty, forgiveness, mercy and unfailing love we find our rest, our strength and heavenly peace. And to God, our prayers are as sweet as a songbird’s refrain.


“Sweet as a Songbird’s Refrain” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© October 1, 2013