of the Ocean
One time while we were at the ocean in our motor
home I was thrilled every day to be able to see the waves and surf rolling to
shore from my window. In this recreation park we were staying there were also
some retired folks who lived here most of the year full time.
I came to enjoy the company of
one couple who were well into their eighties, and chatted with them often. But
I felt sorry because the place they now lived was out of
sight of the ocean they so dearly loved.
One day when
we were visiting I was to be very surprised by this dear woman’s response when
I had said to her, “I’m so sorry you can’t see the ocean from where you are
living now. It’s a shame too that you aren’t able to walk the path to see the
dunes and the surf since your illness.”
“The ocean is but a far off hum just to remind those
of us out of sight of it―it is still nearby, and this comforts me,” she said with
a bright smile.
“The LORD is
righteous in everything he does; he is filled with kindness. The LORD is close to all who call on him,
yes, to all who call on him in truth. He grants the desires of those who fear
him; he hears their cries for help and rescues them.”
Psalm 145:17-19 NLT
At times we may think God is so far off and we are
not able to have an up close and personal relationship with Him. One may think
we are too inexperienced, uneducated in His Word, or our faith is too small.
This is not true at all. In fact, it is
God who has calling us!
The Lord is reassuring us, He is not far off, but as
close as our whispered prayer. Once we have learned the delight of being in His
presence and how to lay hold of Him, we will find the way so easy we will no
longer even want to neglect such an opportunity ever again.
Dear beloved, child of God, though we cannot see
Him, He is near. The song of His love
for us resonates in our heart like the steady hum of the ocean.
“Let me ask you, then, do you desire to know the
Lord in a deep way? God has made such
an experience, such a walk, possible for you. He has made it possible through
the grace He has given to all His
redeemed children. He has done it my means of His Holy Spirit…Prayer is the
key.”― quoted from: Experiencing the Depths
of Jesus Christ by Jeanne Guymon
“Hum of the Ocean” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning
Ministries© December 29, 2014