Friday, February 28, 2014

Eyes of Our Heart

Eyes of Our Heart

              My husband had been giving me these odd glances all day long. I promised myself when I wasn’t so busy I’d ask him about it. I had a lot on my heart at the moment with family and work, but I knew if it was really important he would just come and say so.

            At dinner that night as I set the food on the table I looked over to see my husband holding a piece of white paper in front of his face with a beard drawn on it. What on earth? He slid the paper down and his eyes twinkled as he smiled mysteriously at me. That’s when I noticed he had shaved off his beard which he had worn for years!

            “When did you do that? Was it this morning?” I asked about to go on with the meal. But his answer caught me by surprise when he said, “No dear, two weeks ago!”


“You love him even though you have never seen him.

 Though you do not see him now, you trust him;

and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy.

The reward or trusting him will be the salvation of your souls.”

1 Peter 1:8-9


            Working day in and day out with many responsibilities, duties and burdens can dull our vision for the love Jesus has for us.  Stress, confrontations, personal issues all can cloud our senses and make us to not see all God wants for us in His Son Jesus.

            Jesus told his disciple Thomas, who came to believe after touching the resurrected Christ, “Blessed are those who believe without seeing me” (John 20:29).

            Let us never allow anything that tries to blind us, divides us or destroy our oneness with Jesus. There is no clouding the vision of the heart who trusts in Jesus.

            We can depend on God in the midst of our busy lives to stop us in our tracks and make us to see Him in the sunrise, the gift of a rainbow, in the unexpected acts of kindness and the  love of others when we least expect it.

            Though we can’t see Him with our eyes, it’s His gift of faith to us that we see Him with our heart.  


“Eyes of Our Heart” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© February 28, 2014




Thursday, February 27, 2014

Ice Breaker

Ice Breaker

“Go to someone you have never met before, and in ten seconds tell them five things about yourself.”

This was the directive of our speaker at a women’s conference. You know, those ice breakers exercises that take you out of your comfortable seat and make you go across the room to meet someone new. And you know what can happen-you are often delighted and might even meet their next best friend!

So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God.

There we will receive his mercy,

 and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.”

 Hebrews 4:16 NLT 

The more we come to God in prayer, the more we discover new things about Him and love Him even more. Imagine being a friend of God!

Jesus said with great joy and love, “now you are my friends”, (John 15:15).

Some may come to prayer meekly, afraid to ask the Lord to meet and to share their needs. Others may pray giving little thought to what they are saying out of ritual or habit. But when we come with reverence before Him, we can come with bold assurance knowing He is waiting as our dearest friend and Counselor.

God doesn’t choose to sit in a seat on the far side of the room. He is sitting right beside us eager to hear all about our day, our hopes, our dreams and our needs.

There is no need to share five things about one’s self with God. No ice breaker is needed-just one little prayer brings us close to our best Friend.


“And yet the promise of prayer is a companionship unachievable by any other earthly endeavor.”― Leonard Ravenhill quoted in Magnificent Prayer by Nick Harrison


“Ice Breaker” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© February 27, 2014

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Life Giving Springs

Life Giving Springs

I pause in my walk along the forest and observe with awe the huge stump of an ancient native cedar tree.

I thought of how beautiful this tree once towered more than one hundred and twenty feet tall with branches spreading out nine feet across providing rain proof shelter for the forest animals who rested under her.

When it rains one can enjoy the cedar trees’ fresh sharp fragrance that is uniquely its own and warrants off insects and even perfumes our closets.

I think of how the great cedar tree sends its roots down deep until they find hidden life giving springs and wraps its roots around the boulders there to be anchored securely against big Pacific storms.  

But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. For they are transplanted to the Lord’s own house. They flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.” Psalm 92:12-14 NLT

          The old cedar stump is far from dead. Its roots are still thriving on the springs below and now growing from the center of the stump is a cute baby cedar strong and healthy.

There are 65 places in the Bible where cedar trees are mentioned. It means strong and firmly rooted tree. We can learn much from cedars and we can learn a great life lesson in God’s Word about them.

We are alive and well when we are rooted, connected and anchored in Jesus. He is our Rock and anchor when life threatens to uproot our life and storms of adversity shake our faith.

 No matter what, Jesus will never let go, He holds on us is permanent and strong through every storm. He is our life giving spring.


“Life Giving Springs” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© February 25, 2014

Monday, February 24, 2014

The Heart Never Wrinkles

Heart in the old maple tree by Dee Kamp

The Heart Never Wrinkles

The other day when it was cold and gray outside I looked forward to reading my new spring magazine filled with fresh spring photos, and ideas for the garden. But to my frustration I found I must first wade through pages of the latest creams and ointments guaranteed to keep me youthful looking.
            Then I giggled at the memory from a long time ago and my husband sitting across the room asks, “What’s so amusing there?”
“Remember that dear older woman named Mary at that first church we attended? It’s her words that have come to my mind right now. She said, ‘You know dear, the heart never wrinkles, and the soul never ages – it lives forever in the Lord.’”
            My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and the follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me, for my Father has given them to me, and he is more powerful than anyone else. ….”John 10:27-29 NLT
            This is one of the clearest parables of Jesus’ promise to give eternal life to those who believe, follow Him. It is what heals a broken heart and fills in its wrinkles from time and trials in our journey through life.
 God’s Word sends us a powerful message –an eternal promise for life that nothing else in this world can possibly offer. Live life with an eternal perspective. It is the one promise that will keep our hearts young forever. Be affirmed by His amazing unfailing love and His wonderful promise in Jesus.  
Our heart can sing a song of rejoicing that all the world can see by our hope in Him. Let us share this great truth; the heart never wrinkles and the soul never dies when all is given to Jesus.
“The Heart Never Wrinkles” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© February 24, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014

Grace Found a Parking Place

Grace Found a Parking Place


He leaped out of still running car and with his arms waving angrily in the air he shouted at my friend. He was fuming mad saying she had just taken his parking space.

 “How could you be so simple minded and selfish not to notice me parked around the corner waiting for this spot?”

 My first thought was, how could she have even seen him around the opposite corner from us in this high rise very busy parking garage?  Neither of us had honestly seen him waiting there.


But you O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God,

slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.”

Psalm 86:15 NIV


My friend didn’t say a word but remained very still with her full attention on the angry man. My own anger started to rise in defense of her, but I followed her example. I trusted this kind hearted woman who loved and walked in the Lord. I felt this man’s anger was so unjustified.

The man was elderly and visibly shaking all over. To my amazement he got very quiet, dropped his arms to his side and said, “I’m sorry, but it’s urgent I find a parking place for my wife needs to get to this doctor appointment and we’ve been horribly delayed by Seattle traffic.”

My friend smiled and said she understood. She waved with a smile, backed out of the parking space and we saw him waving back in a thank you.

Now, I thought, it’s going to be a long and tedious effort to find a space in this busy garage.

The car began to circle left to go up the ramp for parking when I called out, “Stop!”

My friend hit the brakes just in time as someone to our right was backing out of their space. With ease we pulled into the most perfect parking spot in the whole garage- right next to the elevators!  

This parking space was made in heaven. “God is good!” we exclaimed in happy unison.

The closer we walk with God the more we see the beauty of His character and the wisdom of His Word to trust in His ways and not our own.

What a lesson for me that day in compassion and patience. God will bless both. Grace found us, and a man in great need, a parking place that day.


“I pray for the patience to endure times of trial, to keep anticipating, keep hoping, keep believing. I pray for patience to be patient.” Philip Yancey


“Grace Found a Parking Place” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© February 21, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

When I'm on My Knees

When I’m on My Knees

The uncommon silence of my mid-week visit to church was a bit of a surprise to me. But then most things about church back then were unknown to me as a brand new Christian who rarely had attended church in my past. It was always at the busy times, like Easter and Christmas.
 But God was now leading me into new and surprising areas of faith.

I had some paper work to deliver to the secretary and I had lost my way looking for the office. On the next turn I suddenly found myself looking into children’s Sunday school rooms.

But before I turned around to search for the office again I thought I heard someone singing in the children’s nursery.  Curious I wandered down and looked through the open door. What I saw next stopped in my tracks. Oh I knew it was not uncommon to see someone on their hands and knees scrubbing the floor, but what surprised me most was who was doing it.

My Life is an example to many, because you have been my strength and protection.

That’s why I can never stop praising you; I declare your glory all day long.”

Psalm 71:7-8 NLT
From the first time I met her, I thought her stunningly beautiful and always dressed so lovely. She arrived at church in a sleek Jaguar and I could tell she was from a prominent family. She was kind to everyone, made me feel welcome every time I saw her.

But I never expected to see this elegant woman now on her hands and knees merrily scrubbing away on the children’s nursery floor!

“Hello” I said softly, so as to not startle her.

“Oh!” she said as she stood up wiping her hands on a towel and smiling warmly at me.

 “You’ve caught me! This is my secret with the Lord, don’t tell on me. I love coming here when no one else is around. The Lord has done so much for me that this is my small way of giving something back to Him. And you know, it seems I’m never closer to Him than when I am on my knees.”

Prominence, status and wealth do not shield one from life’s hardships, sorrows and disappointments. Hard things in life just happens to everyone and her story really touched my heart.

It was not long after this that I too had an unwelcome experience of the extreme kind. But I remembered this woman and how she shared all God had done for her, and it gave me hope and comfort knowing I could trust it all to the Lord. Soon it would my turn to share with others all He had done for our family.

On that day I discovered a lesson for life―we are always closer to God when we are on our knees whether it’s in prayer or washing a floor.

“When I’m on My Knees” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© February 20, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Your Faith is Your Shield

Photo by: Dee Kamp
 Your Faith is Your Shield

A Letter from Jesus

As I pray I feel His love and His assurance that He is with me, right beside me.

 I see in my mind a cocoon hanging from a branch and I hear Him say in my heart, “I am like that strong and safe cocoon protecting and sheltering the life inside.

 “While you live and continue to develop and grow in wisdom and in a growing understanding in My Word, press on to do My will for the plans I have for your life. Your faith will be your shield. I rescue, restore and redeem.

“Be not afraid, I hold you securely and when it’s time to come out and share your faith, you will be ready to be all I called you to be. Trust, rest, and believe.”

 Clearly, you are a letter from Christ showing the result of our ministry among you. This “letter” is written not with pen and ink, but with the Spirit of the living God. It is carved not on tablets of stone, but on human hearts. We are confident of all this because of our great trust in God through Christ. It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualifications comes from God.” 2 Corinthians 3:3-5 NLT

For in looking beyond your normal sight

Beyond the then and now

You’ll hear and see Jesus

In God’s heavenly sustaining light.


“Your Faith is Your Shield” a Letter from Jesus, Journaling with Jesus by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© February 18, 2014


A Case of the What-if's

A Case of the What-If’s

       “Another restless night,” my friend sadly stated. “I had a night filled with a case of the what-if’s. How does one stop the crazy cycle of negative, fearful thoughts?”

 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God,

 and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
 2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV

Fear is not something God puts into us. He has placed faith and hope in our heart. It’s the devil who tries to negate our faith by attacking us with a case of the what-if’s.

Fears and doubts are in disagreement to the Word of God. When we read our Bibles, and believe in God’s Word, the what-if’s become powerless. Something supernatural and wonderful happens when we read and speak God’s Word in these times.

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your god. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 NLT

It’s not that we don’t have faith, it’s just that Satan tries to fill us with his lies. God alone is able to empower us to capture every negative thought, every what-if that comes our way, night or day.

“Let our thoughts not be captive to worry by day and tossed about by sleepless nights, but rather be captured by the truth and hope and power  we  will find in the Word of God.” Author Unknown


“A Case of the What-if’s” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© February 17, 2014


Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine Moonlight Surprise

Country roses on split rail fence by Dee Kamp
When love is shared, joy is doubled. Spontaneous acts of love for one another is God’s greatest desire for us.

On a last minute impulse in 2007 I entered a local newspaper’s writing contest. It was to be the most unusual and romantic Valentine experience while living in Jefferson County here on the Olympic Peninsula.

This story took place just months after we had purchased our little country store and times were tough, the hours were long― all seven days of the week. I had come from a corporate position in Seattle to now where I was pumping gas, shelving groceries and mopping floors at closing time.

But we had a dream, we loved what we were doing, we had Jesus, and each other.

I didn’t tell my dear husband I was sending a story about him in the local newspaper, after all I didn’t think I’d win. Well you know what I always say about the Lord, I am constantly caught off guard by His heavenly surprises. To my amazement I won first place in the contest!

Everyone loves romance, everyone needs love, especially when times are tough, and especially when you least expect it.


So now I am giving you a new commandment:

 Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.

Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”

 John 13:34-35


Valentine Moonlight Surprise

Twenty years ago my husband and I worked long days and nights running the Beaver Valley country store that we had just bought. That first winter was tough as we both put in sixteen hour days. 

That first Valentine’s Day night as I wearily mopped the floors, my husband completed other closing up chores.  By 10 at night the highway traffic disappeared and we welcomed the silence interrupted only by the hoot of a big barn owl.  Suddenly I stopped and listened.  Yes, there was music playing outside. I grumbled to myself as I opened up the door for some late customer.  But no one was there and not a car in sight.  I stepped outside and in the bright moonlight saw my husband leaning against the porch rail. He pointed to the little radio jammed in the open window and then bowed low and reached for my hand.

            “Happy Valentine’s Day, my dear. May I have this dance?”

            A wave of delight swept over me as the weariness melted and I took his hand. And right in the middle of that deserted highway we danced our cares away on our own private dance floor with our own private moon shining just for us.


“Valentine Moonlight Surprise” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© February 14, 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Bench at the Top of the Hill

Rest Awhile by Dee Kamp
The Bench at the Top of the Hill

I was so excited when we moved into this neighborhood with its quiet streets made perfect for long pleasant walks. That is until I’d have to face that last long climb up the hill to get home.

Whenever I slugged my way up the hill I did it with anticipation for what I’d find at the top of it.

At the top of the hill was a handmade, hand painted little bench which sat by the walking path in front of the house of a kindly old man. He made this carved and cozy bench just so we had a place to rest awhile, and perhaps take a little time to visit with him too.

God’s promise of entering his rest still stands,

so we out to tremble with fear that some of you might fail to experience it.”

 Hebrews 4:1 NLT


            Jesus is our bench at the top of the hill. He is waiting for those who add faith to what they are taught in reading His Word. Some who only hear and don’t add faith to their belief may not comprehend the precious gift of rest God wants to give us.

Sometimes it’s hard to hope for a resting place when you can’t see the little bench at the top of your hill.  But rest isn’t found in footsteps pounding along a path, but in a heart that beats a path straight for God with faith in all His promises. Faith never fails to find rest in Him.


Draw near to Him for a much needed reprieve

Trust and believe in God for the rest we all need

All promises of this world can never compare

To the rest we’ll find in Jesus who loves us and cares

He’s not only our bench at the top of the hill

He’s the One who holds our hand to get us there.


“The Bench at the Top of the Hill” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© February 13, 2014

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Greatest Hour of Need

Greatest Hour of Need

I didn’t notice the woman who sat alone with her hands folded and her head bowed down. I really didn’t pay any attention to others coming to sit in our row at the church that evening. We came for a night of old time Gospel music and worship, but God did, and He had a plan to use me for another’s greatest hour of need.  

I will be your God throughout your lifetime-until you hair is white with age.

 I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.”

 Isaiah 46:3-4 NLT

At intermission we were to meet and greet others around us. I was standing up and saying hello to my neighbors in front of me when I heard one of my companions’ say, “You need to meet the lady sitting next to you, Dee will understand even more than I.”

I looked at the woman with her head bent and tears flowing and the Lord flooded me with uncommon mercy. I didn’t speak a word to her but slid over and sat beside her.

 I’m not normally overly demonstrative in affection to strangers but the next thing I knew my arm slipped around her shoulder and I drew this stranger to me until her head rested upon me. She did not shy away but leaned into me and wept and wept.

When she could compose herself she whispered softly, “My husband died a week ago today.”

What a wonderful God we have who so wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships ad trials. And why does He do this? So that when others are troubled and needing our sympathy and encouragement, we can pass on to them the same help and comfort God has given us.

We don’t know who, but God does, we don’t know where or when, but God always does. What a joy to be His instrument of peace and love. Better than banjos, more uplifting than songs is a heart that is chosen to be used by God.  

 Let us always be ready at any moment, any place or any time for God to call upon us to be His arms to hug, His hand to hold someone in their greatest hour of need.


“Greatest Hour of Need” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© February 12, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Blindfolded Trust

Light unto my Path by Dee Kamp
Blindfolded Trust

My friend shared with me one of her favorite games she played as a child at a birthday party. It was fun, challenging and a life lesson she would never forget in the years to come.

 The barefoot children were lined up in two rows, side by side out in a field. Now they were partners with the one across from them. To their surprise one row was put in blindfolds. For half of the children in this game their chance to win would depend solely on what they heard from their partner who was to lead them through an obstacle course across the field. The one seeing was surprised to see the field of play was filled with paper plates filled with whipping cream!

What I tell you now in the darkness, shout abroad when daybreak comes.

What I whisper in our ear, shout from the housetops for all to hear!”

Matthew 10:27 NLT


Sometimes God puts us through an experience and a discipline of being in the dark to teach us to listen, obey and trust in Him.

 If this is the case and we find ourselves in this unsettling position of feeling blindfolded, it’s the best time to remain quiet, listen and trust in God who is able to see the way we should go.

It is humbling to not see things and tougher still not to want to depend on ourselves the find the way. But this is one of God’s finest life lessons for us. Its more than a child’s game, it’s a precious gift to hear the Lord speak to us in the dark.  

Blindfolded trust is when we learn to depend on our Leader, our Lord knowing He will always lead us all the way through to win the prize.

“Blindfolded Trust” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© February 11, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

No Muscles Needed

Swirling Tides by Dee Kamp
No Muscles Needed

As I sat in our car waiting for my husband to finish an errand I could see  through the window of a local health club a young woman  running hard and fast on a treadmill. I imagined her building up her endurance and muscles for an upcoming marathon.

That’s when I heard that small voice in my heart from the Lord saying, “It doesn’t take muscles to give another’s heart a lift.”

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up,

just as in fact you are doing.”

1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV


Day after day, when sorrow and raw emotions were my constant companions during the time of a great loss in my life I would receive phone messages, cards in the mail and even notes stuck on the back porch door, saying “Thinking of you”; “I love you”; “You are not alone”; “Jesus is near”.

These thoughtful ones were working on building my faith muscles when all my strength was gone. That was years ago but I have never forgotten one single word of encouragement when I needed it the most.

Encouragement helps ones faith to hold fast when you can’t get a grip on anything. It will give peace in the swirling clouds of heartbreak, discouragement, fear and confusion. Encouragement is the love of Jesus wrapped in compassion, mercy and empathy.

 It doesn’t take muscles or money to lift another’s heart.  It can never be too simple to be significant in the moment it’s needed the most, and it will part of someone’s memories for a long, long time.


“No Muscles Needed” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© February 10, 2014






Friday, February 7, 2014

Coincidences and Chipmunks

Chipmunk on the stump by Dee Kap

Coincidences and Chipmunks

Quiet and calm are normally my predawn mornings. While I sit in my chair by the big glass sliding door to our patio I read my Bible, talk life over with God and journal to my heart’s content.  But this one morning I was not only surprised by one chipmunk’s antics but also by the coincidence of Scripture I had just read.

God’s way is perfect. All the LORD’s promises prove true.
                                    He is a shield for all who look to him for protection.” 2 Samuel 22:31 NLT

           As those words from 2 Samuel 22:31 were speaking such peace and trust in my heart, something caught my attention outside the glass sliding door.

There staring eye to eye at me was a chipmunk sitting on top of the deck chair with his body stretched out and his front paws pressed up against the window.  Suddenly he startled me by flinging himself hard against the window! There for a few seconds he seemed to be stuck in place on the glass with a wild frightened stare and every hair on his little body was standing straight up on end.

I laughed at him frozen there on the window. I thought he looked much like those stuffed animals people hang up in their car windows with little suction cups.  Then in slow motion the little weird chipmunk began to slip down the window and with an indignant flick of his tail he scattered away.

My eyes went back to my Bible and my next thought was; did God just show me an example of what His shield around us is like? That it’s invisible to the eye but very real indeed?         

For those who believe and trust in God, the heart will see Him in divine appointments and in unexpected coincidences. These are the times God uses the ordinary, the simple things in our life to remind us to turn our hopes, our fears, and our whole life over to Him. It’s good to know and rely on His promises and that God is our shield—even from crazy chipmunks.

“There are no real coincidences in life for those with faith strong enough to recognize coincidences for what they really are: intricate pieces of the providential design God created for each of our lives” —Delia Parr, Love’s First Bloom


“Coincidences and Chipmunks” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© February 7, 2014