Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Right Before Our Eyes


Right Before Our Eyes

Walking in step with my friend, in the midst of rapid conversation I nearly stumbled and fell as she stopped suddenly on the deep wooded trail.

There to our surprise was a fork on the trail and the dependable forest service maker showing us the way we go was nowhere to be seen.  We were new visitors to this part of the Olympic Mountains and to this trail and before I knew it the sharp ping of fear shot through me.

My friend said with agitation, “The note back at the rental cabin said to follow and enjoy the easy trail to the waterfalls, you’ll love it.”

“Which way do we go now?” my friend asked me. “If we take the wrong one it could lead us off for miles in the wrong direction and we didn’t bring any water with us. It’s getting hot out here. We need a sign— like right now!”

The LORD is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made.

The LORD is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth.”

Psalm 145:17 NIV

The sun beat down and our emotions got hotter in the heat of indecision.   Should we quit and turn around and could we easily see the trail going back to the cabin? We had been visiting so much we hadn’t really pay any attention to the trail we had just come counting on it to bring us back again.

I whispered an urgent prayer to God for help.  “We need a sign, Lord, one from You or one to find our way!”  

That’s when I looked down on the path up ahead, the one that curved to the left shouting, “Look at those rocks over there. Someone piled one on top of the other, like a marker and over there, more rocks lined up like an arrow pointing the way. How did we not see them before? They were right before our eyes?”


When we’re not certain which way to go on trails in the deep forest or surprised by trials and unforeseen circumstances, it’s with confidence we can count on God to hear our prayers. He will hasten to assure us He is right by our side, and even open our eyes to see what was unseen before, may be right before our eyes!


“Right Before our Eyes” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© January 28, 2015

Friday, January 23, 2015

Let the Morning Bring

Let the Morning Bring

It is on my heart today to share with you one of my favorite verses from God’s Word in the Psalms. It’s a prayer, it’s a song, it’s one that blesses our soul to encourage us, and sustain us throughout the day.

 Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.

Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.

Rescue me from my enemies, O LORD, for I hide myself in you.

Teach me to do your will, for you are my God.

May your good Spirit lead me on level ground. Psalm 143:8-10 NIV


So, I pray for you today to let the morning bring you faith, hope and love in God’s Word knowing it is written by Him in profound love and in His perfect timing for what you need today.

 “The most important and profitable time of my whole day is the time I spend with God….Prayer is opening myself for the light of God to enter me…Communion with God through His Word and prayer is as indispensable to me as the food I eat and the air I breathe.”― Andrew Murray from Treasures of Wisdom on Talking with God”

“Let the Morning Bring” by Dee Kamp, Grace Ministries© January 23, 2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Mystery of Strangers and Rainbows

Rainbow over the Poulsbo Marina by Dee Kamp
The Mystery of Strangers and Rainbows

            In the years following the first time it happened, and now in the surprising event of a second time, I am convinced of two things: God knows when, how and where one needs to see an expression of His love― reminder He is always watching over us.  In both cases, there was a surprising divine appointment with a stranger, and a beautiful rainbow!  

            I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is a sign of my covenant with you and with the earth. When I send clouds over the earth, the rainbow will appear in the clouds, and I will remember my covenant with you, and with al living creatures…” Genesis9:13-16 NLT

            The first time God sent a messenger who pointed out a rainbow was of all things as I was pumping gas at a little country service station. I was tearful and filled with sorrow standing there in the drizzling rain. I had just left visiting my son’s grave site, who had died only weeks before.

            As I stood there holding the gas hose to the car I heard someone speaking and then suddenly appearing from around the other side of the gas pumps. I turned to see a short perky looking fellow of middle age waving like crazy and smiling!

            I wasn’t in the mood for conversation but he finally caught my attention as he declared “It’s a beautiful day isn’t it? Have you noticed that rainbow over head of us? It’s a good thing for us to look up now and then or we might miss God’s gift of the rainbow.”  

            The moment I looked I indeed saw the rainbow improbably overhead.  When I turned around to share my delight in it, he was no longer there. I smiled then, my spirits greatly lifted, I thanked God for such a timely meeting of a stranger and the rainbow.

            Just a few weeks ago I was down and very blue walking to my car from a doctor’s appointment seeking relief from days of suffering with back pain. I hobbled to the car, head down trying to stay dry in the rain but was suddenly stopped by the shout of a man waving his arms and running my way!

            “Look! Look over there! Come and see what God has gifted us today!” I just stood there a moment in surprise at the excitement of this stranger, a young man who looked to be a seaman from one of the moored boats at the dock. With a huge smile, and waving his arms over head, he kept insisting I follow him around the corner of the building.

            And there to my amazement was the most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen. The rainbow arched over the marina and touched down upon the water.

             I smiled as the memory of the rainbow and the stranger of years ago came to my mind. I knew once again what I knew years ago, God watches over us all the time, we never walk alone. And sometimes He’ll send a stranger to deliver this message His rainbow as a promise.  

Our strength and our hope is in the Lord

We can depend upon His Word

And though we may feel despair

We know we’re always kept within His care.


“The Mystery of Strangers and Rainbows” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© January 20, 2015

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

There is Near and There is Far

Great Blue Heron in Flight by Dee Kamp
There is Near and There is Far

I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God,
who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”

Revelation 1:8 NIV

I surprised a Great blue heron sitting on the rocky shores of Puget Sound last summer while looking for birds to photograph near the Kingston Ferry.  I stood still, raised up my camera, but the heron took swift flight as far and away from me as he could.

Its times like this the Lord will surprise me and whisper something in my heart I can learn from what I am witnessing.

I heard Him say, “You can never fly far from Me. There is near and there is far, there is now and there is forever, I am in both. I am God of yesterday, today and tomorrow. You have nothing to fear when you trust all your life to Me. I am the Alpha and the Omega-believe this to be true.”

What a beautiful picture I was able to capture of the heron in flight. And what a beautiful picture of God’s love for us that He gave to me in that instant. I think this photo must be framed and kept as a reminder of  how I can never be far and away from Him.

“Life in the Bible as a whole means something that is vibrant and dynamic. To speak of God as the “living God’ is to make the claim that God is actively present, here and now.”-Rebeca Manley Pippert


“There is Near and There is Far” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© January 14, 2015

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Shammah God Who is Always There

Photo by Dee Kamp

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.”

Psalm 143:8 NIV

Today I pray a blessing for you in the name of Jehovah Shammah, God who is always there for you.

Today I pray a blessing of a fresh awareness of God’s presence knowing He is watching over you right now.

Today I pray a blessing of experiencing the Father’s love to bring a wave of peace over you surpassing all understanding and giving you richness of His love with great hope.  

Today I pray God’s blessing of the awareness and understanding of what He has called you to do and to move forward knowing He will fight all the battles before you.

Today I pray you will know His presences in the night as He watches over you singing songs of His love to calm you in your sleep.

Today I pray you will be blessed with a deep heart understanding of your identity as God’s own child, securely loved in His family, your name written on the palm of His hand knowing He overjoys hearing you call Him “Abba, Father.”

Today I pray a blessing you will have a settled assurance He has a future for you and your best interest in His ultimate glory.

Today I pray a blessing of a deeper assurance that Abba Father knows what you need and has all the resources of the universe to meet every single one.

Today I pray a blessing for you with a confidence to know you will lack nothing you need for God always provides the person to help you, the path to it, the perfect moment for it.   

Today I pray a blessing of awareness in the surety of knowing God always speaks and acts at the perfect time and in the right place.

Today I pray a blessing you will enjoy Jehovah Shammah’s surprise divine appointments, a splash of unexpected joy, a kindness received, and help when you least expect it.

“Shammah” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© January 13, 2015



Wednesday, January 7, 2015

By the Paths He Has Chosen

Path up Mt Rainier by Dee Kamp
By the Paths He Has Chosen

The Lord constantly teaches us that to be content is an art and a discipline. The discipline is in the training our mind to think and to trust in His Sovereignty. We know the mind is where the battlefield really is. How wonderful it is to discover daily the depth of God’s rich love for us and His unsearchable wisdom.

Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! “Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor? Who has ever given to God, that God should repay him?” For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! “- Romans 11:33-36

 By faith we can know He is leading us with grace and great patient baby steps in greater dependency on Him every day that is always for our good.

Thus, we are able to bow down in reverence to Him for His mysterious and wise ways for the paths He has chosen for our lives.

 “I call you to lead the life that I have assigned to you, and to be content. Beware of comparing your situation with that of someone else-and feeling dissatisfied because of the comparison….You search for Me in the details of your day, all the while looking for good to emerge from trouble an confusion. You accept the way things ae without losing hope for a better future. And you rejoice in the hope of heaven, knowing that indescribably joyful Life is your ultimate calling.”-Jesus Today by Sarah Young


“By the Paths He Has Chosen” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© January 7, 2015

Monday, January 5, 2015

A Shield Around Me

Rainbow over Poulsbo Marina by Dee Kamp
A Shield Around Me

It’s raining today and in the Northwest we often choose a hood on a coat over an umbrella to shield us as we venture forth. But sometimes we need a heavenly shield as we set out for the day.

"But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. For surely, O LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield. Psalm 5:11-12 NIV

Can you see Him going in front of you to make a way in the crowd of people and things around you the day? Are you able to smile and know it’s His hand holding on tightly when we drive the car, cross the street, walk the path or a hallway on our way today? 

God gives us each day the ticket for the journey, the His Holy Spirit to shield and empower us in His Word. It’s His hand we can cling to for a new step up in faith we are called to experience.  Let us say with conviction and great hope, “God is a shield around me.”


“God is a Shield around Me” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© January 5, 2015


Saturday, January 3, 2015

His Answers are Wiser than Our Prayers

Photo by Dee Kamp
His Answers are Wiser than Our Prayers

Here it is just a few days into winter and already I have heard them say on the news, “Will spring be late this year?”

The sun is hidden by clouds, and the song birds have flown away, the flower bulbs are sleeping safely under fallen leaves and sometimes snow.  But all of nature knows God is never late or never too early for the seasons to flow.  Why are we led to worry when we know God has all this in His hands?

Do not be anxious about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 NLT

O beloved, let us not say the sun may never shine again, the flowers forget to bloom or the song birds forgets his song.  No indeed, the sun may be hidden at times, but its warmth will return, the flowers bloom and the song birds will sing in God’s perfect timing.

 God may seem hidden from us at times but He is always near and hears every prayer. God has not forgotten the timing of the seasons, and He has not forgotten what we have brought to Him in our heartfelt prayer.

Waiting on God in great faith, and not led to worry about a late spring, or when and how He chooses to answer our prayers is His way of exercising His gift of grace and the testing of our faith to love Him even more.  

Oh the joy of knowing, God always has perfect timing and His answers are wiser than all our prayers.

“Therefore continue to wait in hope, for although the promise may linger, it will never come too late.”-Charles H Spurgeon

“His Answers are Wiser than our Prayers” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© January 3, 2015

Friday, January 2, 2015

Two Sisters One Kite

Photo by Dee Kamp

Two Sisters One Kite

It’s a cold frosty morning and the sun seems to have slept in. I’m waiting for day light so I can begin my day when I get ping on my phone I have a message from my sister in Eastern Washington. I had just been thinking about the two of us flying a crazy kite at the beach years ago. To my surprise that is what she was thinking about too! It made me giggle in delight to remember that day and the surprise was not in us being able to fly a kite but who would say something about it to us about it.

 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.” Hebrews 2:1-3 NLT.

It was a windy day at the ocean in May with gusts that blew the hat right off your head. It was a coincidence that my sister, my dad and step mom were also staying at the beach at the same time we were too. On impulse I bought one of those dime-store kiddy kites thinking maybe Shelly and I could be crazy enough to try and fly it. But both of us were pretty gimpy these days, me with a cranky knee and her with arthritis. What was I thinking?

The moment we began to put the kite together neither one of us gave a thought to our incapacities. We just gave it all to the Lord and pressed on with a plan to fly the kite no matter what. Problem was we were not even able to assembly it correctly! After many hysterically fits of laughter my dear husband stepped in and corrected our mess! Out the door we went, two middle aged women and one misshapen kite forgetting all our cares and doing what we would have thought impossible back home.  But one thing we didn’t count on, or even give a thought to was we might be being observed by others. The pink kite with the big heart on it soared easily into the sky! We ran back and forth and even flew it all the way back to her condo surprising our father and mother!

As we were packing up to leave the next day an elderly couple who had had a large family gathering at the campground came over to us and said, “Your joy of life and your laughter lifted our spirits more than you can know. Some of us came here with heavy hearts and your joy was contagious in a very good way. It took our minds off our worries.”

I thank God still today that my sister and I simply let go and trust in God leading us to simply enjoy life. It’s the little things in life which bring us much joy and laughter- and we never know who may be watching and who might need a lift of the heart too.

“Don’t worry about opposition. Remember, a kite rises against the wind, not with the wind.”-Hamilton Wright Mabie

“Two Sisters One Kite” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries January 2, 2015