Goldfinch by Dee Kamp
Gifts and Talents Bless More Than We Know
With a sigh I threw open the drapes across the big
glass sliding door that faces our yard and the deep forest across the way. It
was still dark! Why do I wake up so early what is there to see yet?
That’s when I
heard them and I was compelled to step out on the porch and enjoy their
delightful gift of song.
“With this in
mind, we constantly pray for you that our God may count you worthy of his
calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and
every act prompted by your faith.” 2 Thessalonians 1:11 NIV
The air was filled what seemed like hundreds of bird
songs. From the deep forest were fancy trills, from the tree tops whistles,
from the shrubs and bushes sweet little chirps.
The birds didn’t have the slightest idea people
would enjoy their singing, they were simply doing their job this was their bit
of land to call their own.
It’s the same for us, when we are using the gifts
and talents God has gifted us with they are used by Him in ways and for more
people and purposes than we can ever imagine.
Not all of us have voices to sing, nor the eye for
art but we all have God’s special gifts unique to us that He has given for the
good of others.
While we organize, while we sew, while we cook,
while we care for children and elders, while we build bridges and fix cars,
while we give health care and teach in the way that is our gift, others are benefitted
as only God can create it all to be.
Let our hearts be content with how God designed us
with our own unique gifts. And let our prayer to Him be filled with praise for
His great wisdom in the many ways He is able to use it today.
“Lord, lead me today as You see best. Use the gift You
have given me to encourage others on their journey. Help me not to compare myself
with others but to be content with who You have made me to be. Amen”- Joe
Stowell, Our Daily Bread 2012
“Our Gifts and Talents Bless More Than We Know” by
Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning© April 30, 2015