Monday, October 26, 2015

Five Little Pumpkins

Five Little Pumpkins
A Tale from Life in Beaver Valley

“The godly walk with integrity; blessed are their children who follow them."

Proverbs 20:7


October is such a beautiful time of year in our little valley. This day was post card perfect. Bright blue skies set the backdrop for maple trees so intensely yellow they appeared to have seized ever ray of summer’s golden light. The country road rambled its way past fields of sweet smelling baled hay.

On the wide front porch of the store sat a huge bin filled with freshly picked pumpkins just delivered from the local farmer.  I could hardly wait for the kids to come and pick out one for their jack-o-lantern-carving contest. We charged only pennies a pound to make certain every family could afford to have one. Soon the porch would be filled with every imaginable cut and carved pumpkin entered into our annual pumpkin carving contest. No losers here, everyone won something.

          I stepped into the store when I heard a car drive up. I turned to see a station wagon driven by Mrs. Winfred with her five adorable toe-headed boys. The boys were stair-step in age, with the oldest not more than eight years old. I always looked forward to this family for each child was well behaved.

But it was obvious mom was in a really big hurry today as she rushed in the door leaving the boys in the car parked so close I could see all five little noses pressed to the car window watching intently― hoping I supposed for a penny candy each to enjoy along the way.

In a flash mom paid, dashed out the door and was zooming up the highway.

In a very short time I noticed the whole tribe was back.  I was curious to what she might have forgotten when I noticed with some surprise all five little boys marching single file in the door each hugging a pumpkin.

I thought to myself, how cute, five pumpkins holding five little pumpkins!

"Oh, did you decided to come back and get their pumpkins now instead of later?" I asked.

The eldest boy held up his pumpkin but with his head bent down. I couldn't see his eyes hiding under those long straw colored bangs. I thought, oh boy, he doesn't look too happy right now― how odd.

"Tell Mrs. Kamp you are sorry," the mother said sternly.

"What do you mean sorry?" I asked feeling confused.

"Mrs. Kamp, we thought 'cause the pumpkins were outside all stacked up like..... and -well, we thought they were free! So we jumped out of the car got our pumpkins quick to surprise mom on our way up to town. She was pretty mad when she found out what we did. We're awfully sorry," He said, barely in a whisper.

The picture before me was so precious, and so funny! But this mom took it as very serious business and a life lesson was in the making.

"Oh, oh, a big mistake was made here boys. Thank you for your honesty. You may go out and put them back in the bin now," I said, trying hard not smile at how serious and cute each boy looked.

There isn't a Halloween that doesn't go by that I don't remember those five little pumpkins. And I remember the mother who was determined to make her kids honest. The boys are all grown up now, good hard working boys in the community. And I wonder if they too will ever forget their pumpkin pilferage all those years ago!


“Five Little Pumpkins Tale from the Beaver Valley Store” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© October 27, 2015



Easier to Put Socks on a Rooster

Olympic Peninsula Barn by Dee Kamp
Easier to Put Socks on a Rooster

(Tales from Life in Beaver Valley)

“How ya doing with building that new fence down near the creek on your land?” I asked the local farmer and steady customer at the Beaver Valley Store.

 “It’s easier putting socks on a rooster than dig those post holes, but God is always good to see us through,” he declared with a big smile.

                                                I will praise the LORD at all times.                            

I will constantly speak his praises.

I will boast only in the LORD;

let all who are helpless take heart.

Come, let us tell of the LORD’s greatness;

let us exalt his name together.” Psalm 34:1-3 NLT


I chuckled at the farmer’s response in typical country jargon that was sprinkled with flavor and humor. But I observed from those years in the store, that those who spoke the most about God’s goodness chose to focus on the Lord’s mercy and grace rather than on their troubles. In doing this, they always tasted God’s goodness and mercy.

It seems to me, that those who have the most to thank God for in their life trials are those who have the most trials to be thankful for. I still have the picture in my mind of the rooster in socks, but the lasting picture for me is how good it was to witness God’s goodness in their life.

With every posthole dug, with every trial traversed over fields and beyond they showed us all how God is always with them every step of the way.

 “Those who bless God in their trials will be blessed by God through their trials.”― Joanie Yoder “God Alone”
“Easier to Put Socks on a Rooster” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© October 26,

Thursday, October 22, 2015

All We Need is Found in the Secret Place

Secret Garden Whitney Gardens by Dee Kamp
All We Need is Found in the Secret Place

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
 shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
 I will say of the LORD,
He is my refuge and my fortress,
My God in Him I will trust.” Amplified Bible

Everything we want from God is found through learning how to abide in Him, and come away to be alone with Him we learn more about His character, His unfailing love.

There is a secret place in God where we will discover an intimacy with Him and know it is all we will ever need― and all we really want. When we start seeking to stop and be still, to make time to sit in His presence, we discover everything else we need is provided for including peace, safety and guidance.
Laying down our life for the sake of the gospel offers one the peace needed for living and discovering time again the joy of living in His glory.

“I believe there is a place in God where He is so near that either way its fine. God calls it His secret place.” Gentle Wisdom for Tough Times by Mary Dunham Faulkner

“All We Need is Found in the Secret Place” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© October 22, 2015




Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Over Flowing with Thankfulness

the old well house by Dee Kamp

Over Flowing with Thankfulness

It was a day to remember, a story to tell our kids, and even laugh over, but not so much when we were in the middle of a minor flood!

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him strengthened in faith as you were taught and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 1:6-8 NIV

It is several years ago now, that on this particular day when our family was so relieved and happy to bring home my husband from the hospital after a long, but very successful surgery. It had been weeks and home and our own bed never looked so comfy.

My sister-in-law was staying with us then and as we were about to say good night, we both jumped at the sound of a “pop” and noticed water coming down the hallway!

“It must be something with the hot water tank!” I yell.

Dear Bill was too weak to help, of course, and we ran around trying to find the water shutoff knob, but to no avail.

From the bedroom Bill called, “It’s up at the well house, run up there and turn off the switch!”

Praying all the way. Batting away my fears of the spider webs inside the well house, grabbing a flashlight I climb my way into it. With a shove the old door opens and with a sigh of relief, I find the shutoff switch.

But now, what to do with two inches of water back in the house? That’s when I remembered our new neighbors saying call if there was every anything at all-call them, day or night.

I call the neighbor, but my heart falls as I discover the husband is on the nightshift and not at home. “Oh, but I’ll be right there!” the wife shouts into the phone and hangs up before I can say a word.

Its late now, most would be asleep, but here she comes running from across the acres, down the driveway shuffling awkwardly. She is in a long fluffy bathrobe, waving a broom in the air like a sword for battle and wearing knee high yellow boots with frog eyes painted on them!

We are bent over in laughter at such a silly sight. “What are you going to do with the broom?” I call out after I can catch my breath.

“Oh, I don’t know, it was all I could think of to grab. Perhaps I can help sweep away the water?”

How unexpectedly God can turn tears to laughter. With God we have hope and even in the midst of big messes of flowing water, I could honestly say, “I’m overflowing in thankfulness.”

We can depend on God to answer our prayers, even in the most unusual ways. Together we laughed ―together we waded through it all.

"One joy scatters a hundred griefs." Chinese proverbs

Over Flowing With Thankfulness” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© October 14, 2015

Monday, October 12, 2015

To Know His Name

Fall Aspens New Mexico by Dee Kamp

                                                 To Know His Name               

And those who know your name will put their trust in you.”

Psalm 9:10

His Word comes as a fresh breeze blown down from heaven in surprising ways and satisfying my hunger to know God more. Tucked in my Bible is a book mark of the list of the names of God.

 As I read the Names of God today I was drawn to two of His names in particular, El Shaddai, the All Sufficient One, and Jehovah-Shalom, The LORD of Peace.

And there exactly where this special book mark was placed in no particular order the other day I discovered was pressed next to the timely and perfect Scripture describing God’s character through these names for all of us to understand to well.

All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Counselor the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:25-27.

Let us be eager in our passionate pursuit of God for more glorious visions of who He is. God desires for us to come into a personal relationship with His Son not once in a while, or in our greatest hour of need, but continually and consistently day in and day out.

  Let us embrace the Cross which shatters the stranglehold of self and watch in awe as we are drawn closer to Him lifted up to see His face, hear His voice and become an eye witness to His glory. Watch with joy as He fills our hearts with anticipation. And with wonder of how He enlarges our capacity to receive more and more of Him. To know His Name is to love Him more and more. 

“To Know His Name” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© October 12, 2015

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Our Stops as Well as our Steps

Old Blue Truck by Dee Kamp
Our Stops As Well As Our Steps
Little Blue has been one of the best investments our family has made in a little pickup truck. There are a ridiculous number of miles on it, but it always starts up and is a mighty little work horse. That is until one rainy day while driving along and the defroster for the windshield stopped working and the heater quit. You could run one or the other but not both! And sometimes we had many stops before going on once again with a short in the wiring somewhere.

“Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love

 for I have my trust in You.

Show me the way I should go,

for to You I lift up my soul.” Psalm 143:8 NIV

We took Little Blue to our local mechanic, but he was unable to help us and suggested another fellow across town. Just driving there took two people to navigate and keep the windshield from steaming up wiping continually for the driver! One of us had to wipe and clear the windshield so the driver could see enough to stay on the road.

The second fellow who worked on Little Blue did so for three days and he tested everything he could think of to find the problem—but to no avail. Was this end of the best truck ever?

Once again we were sent to another mechanic who it was said, loves electrical challenges. By now we had little hope, but we took what seemed a long trip out into the country side where we eventually met a man standing by a huge gate to a farm, who looked indeed, more like a farmer than a mechanic. He waved to us to follow him down a rutted tractor path and we bumped across a pasture finally coming to halt while he swung open the doors of a cavernous old barn.

It had been more than week before we heard from him. Finally one day when the call from him finally came and he was shouting so loud into the phone Bill had to hold it away from his ear! All we could really hear was very loud noise in the background with his words barely audible.

 When his words finally came through to us more clearly, we jumped for joy when we heard him say, “Your little blue pickup is fixed! I dug and poked around until I found one burnt out wire! Come and get your truck!”

Though it often takes much effort to find the person and place to get something we need fixed up and running again, I sensed this one of God’s little lessons on how we should we never give up, have faith in Him, and press on until a solution is found, even in a most unexpected place and person.

Our God is able to heal and restore what is broken in our lives. He is able help us with all our stops and is faithful to guide us in all our steps along the way.


Our Stops as Well as Our Steps” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© October 8, 2015