Monday, March 28, 2016

Beyond the Call to Duty

Photo by Dee Kamp

Beyond the Call to Duty

While feeling overwhelmed in the pre-operative room with at least five people hovering over me with questions and doing procedures in preparation for my surgery I suddenly found fear creeping in and I was unable to form even the smallest prayer. But I didn’t have to, for God had called one of His prayer warriors to be on duty that day.

When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?? The King will answer an and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me’” Matthew 25:39-40

I felt a cool light touch on my shoulder and I turned to see a new woman standing near me. She was smiling so kindly and said  softly in my ear, “Are you a little bit afraid?”

I could only nod my head in agreement. I was surprised by her next question. I thought it would be one more medical related one, but she said instead, “Do you pray?”

Once more I nodded my head at her and to my delight I heard her say, “May I pray for you now?”

She leaned so close to my ear I felt her breath and the words she prayed to Jesus for me filled me with and extraordinary peace. I slipped off to sleep thinking I sure want to thank her later, but sadly, I never saw her again and no one seemed to know who she was.

I shared this wonderful moment with another nurse later and to my surprise there was shock on her face and she said with concern, “Why she could have lost her job for doing that! We aren’t allowed to pray or profess our faith at all here.”

I smiled and said to her, “Then I want to be just like her. I want to love Jesus more, beyond my own comfort and security. That dear woman went beyond the call to duty, she obeyed the call of the Father.”

“Beyond the Call to Duty” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© March 28, 2016


Thursday, March 17, 2016

Standing Firm

Lone Standing Tree, Texas by Dee Kamp
Standing Firm

    There are times when we feel the need to crawl up on Abba Father’s lap and come to Him as a little child. As a devoted and loving Father we know He always has his eye on us and as when we come away alone with Him we will delight all over again in the lavishness of His loving kindness. His seal of ownership and faithfulness is upon us.

Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ.
He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us
and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.
2 Corinthians 1 21 NIV
    The balm of His love penetrates deep into old wounds, pours soothing healing to a broken heart and resets the truth of righteousness from the misleading programing from the world around us.
    By and through His Son there is placed in our hearts a freedom found nowhere else, a freedom to be loved, and to love. A freedom of His forgiveness that we too can forgive.
    When we come away alone with Him, He will speak personally in our hearts by His Spirit wonderful words of  unfailing love, words of hope, and words faith to sustain us in whatever life brings our way each day. Stand firm, for His seal is upon us, His banner of love flies over us.

“Stand strong in God…for after winter, summer comes; after night, the day returns; and after a storm, calm is restored.” Thomas A Kempis


“Standing Firm” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© March 16, 2016