Friday, October 28, 2016

A Whirlwind of Gold

Aspens in New Mexico by Dee Kamp
A Whirlwind of Gold

What a day it was to initiate the beginning of our dog sitting for Molly the pretty, well-loved Westminster Terrier. White and pristine, bathed, clipped and brushed to perfection I was a bit apprehensive that I could do as good a job of keeping her so well fit and cared for. I said a little prayer to the Lord for wisdom and the know-how to protect and care for sweet Molly.
As I stood on the country road surrounded by great maples and tall poplar trees I grumbled to myself at the time Molly was taking to do her business. Mercy me, it seemed she was smelling every single blade of grass. Why am I even out here on a day like this, I asked myself.

 “I call on you, O God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer. Show the wonder of your great love, you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes.
Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings…” Psalm 17:6-8 NIV

Suddenly I was caught by the power of an unexpected gust of wind. This storm was coming in fast. I felt it slam against us and the ground even seemed to shake as the trees shook andgroaned in it. I bent my head feeling the leaves slap and slip all over me. Molly and I became smothered in of leaves! I opened my eyes to discover we were in a whirlwind of gold leaves engulfing us and swirling about me head to toe! I ended up almost knee deep in them!

I held up my hands and laughed with glee. I felt as if God had just showered me in an expression of His golden love.

 I recalled what a wise woman said to me long ago, “When we begin to see God in the small things we will begin to see God in all the good things that comes along in our unexpectedly in life.”
There is a window in our heart in which we can always see God. Sometimes that window is not always so clear, and we’re not sure He’s near. But be assured He always is- and sometimes He may even come as a whirlwind of gold on a cool October day.


“A Whirlwind of Gold” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© October 27, 2016

Monday, October 24, 2016

The Nightshift

The Nightshift

Oh the joy of holding our great grandson yesterday who is just two weeks old. So soundly he slept that he was oblivious to the commotion of people all around us gathering to enter the sanctuary for church.  He even slept through worship songs sung full of gusto, of the shuffling of feet of the family members carrying him to the front to be dedicated to the Lord and never an eye flutter when the pastor’s deep voice prayed so beautifully over him.
I smiled at the thought of the brand new parents who were probably hoping for a whole night’s sleep too. I wondered to myself, which parent was on the nightshift last night-when in my heart I heard the Lord whisper, “I was, of course.”

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O LORD, will keep me safe.”

Psalm 4:8 NLT

Sleeping like a baby is what we desire the most in those long nights when sleep won’t come. Who hasn’t wondered, did God really hear the urgency of my prayer? Is He working on it?

 What we can’t see with our eyes, we can be sure of in our heart―when it seems God is the quietest, He is quietly working on our behalf.

 In those times when sleep won’t come let us be surprised all over again and again to find that sleep comes as His peace fills us when we simply call out His Name in the night.

 We don’t ever have to guess who is on the nightshift watching over us. I am witness to this miracle many times and I can’t explain the peace that fills me, but I can declare with joy― its God! And I know God is on the nightshift once again.

 “Only God knows how long the night will be, but you can be absolutely certain that He is at work in the darkness. When you lay your head on your pillow tonight, cast your cares on Him and rest in the solid truth that He is working for your good!” Sheila Walsh, from 5 Minutes with Jesus.


“Nightshift” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© October 24, 2016