Tuesday, May 21, 2013

As Sweet as Cherries in May

As Sweet as Cherries in May

I’m heading soon to the eastern part of our state with miles and miles of fruit orchards. Right now in May, I’ll find those wonderful sweet dark red cherries. My lips can taste them already.

I create the fruit of the lips;
Peace, peace to him that is far off,
and to him that is near, saith the LORD;
and I will heal him.”
 Isaiah 57:19 —King James Version

Fruit on the lips is delicious, but the fruit of praise from our lips to God—is savored and treasured by Him.

Oh what a promise of God to all mankind in this verse in Isaiah. Words of thanksgiving and praise bring one peace, and healing.

 To him that is far off means there is no such thing as long distance to us for God. But it also means no matter how much we thought ourselves distanced from Him—He is ever and always near to us.

In all circumstances and situations of our lives, one whispered word of praise to the Lord is the exact moment He will comfort, heal and encourage us.

Our words of praise are a welcomed gift. They bring much pleasure to God, a sweet fruit from our lips—as sweet as cherries in May.

Oh my soul, praise God in heaven
To Him like sweet fruit I’ll bring
I’m ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven,
For evermore His praises I will sing.
Dee Kamp

“Like Sweet Cherries in May” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© May 21, 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013

In The Garden of Our Cares

Gardens of Cannon Beach Conference Center by Dee Kamp

In the Garden of Our Cares

In the little sanctuary of my back yard garden I weed with burning purpose. I know it’s a necessary task to keep ahead of the weeds, but my mind keeps wandering over the weeds of concerns growing by the moment in my heart.

I stab hard with my trowel into the deep rooted weed that’s crowding the strawberry plant. I visualize digging out a deep rooted worry in my heart threatening to squeeze out my joy in the Lord.

In that moment I hear the soft whisper of God in my heart saying, “Its prayer and faith, not trowels that rid weeds of anxiety and find peace in the garden of your heart.”

But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on the wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,
 they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31 NIV

As if on cue something makes me look up in the bright blue sky. And there gliding majestically above me is the most beautiful bald eagle! The sun highlights his brilliant white head. He is the image of elegance and power at the same time. Now I smile as I witness the sun making his wings appear to glow.

For those who see God everywhere, all the time, these are the moments when you know He has sent you a hug. You are reminded of the promises and truth of His Word. 

Thinking of things which are above lifts the cares from one’s heart. In these moments a confident knowing about God's beautiful character is instilled in one’s heart.

God is for us, He is always with us. We are never left alone to dig out and weed out the garden of cares in our heart.

“And He will raise you up on eagle’s wings,
Bear you on the breath of dawn,
Make you to shine like the sun,
And hold you in the palm of His hand.”
—African Song

“In the Garden of our Cares” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© May 20, 2013

Friday, May 17, 2013

Come Home


Come Rest Awhile, Swinging by the river Photo by Dee Kamp

Come Home

We have several options for a place we call our home these days. We can buy one, rent one, travel down the road in one, or even live with someone else—it’s still called home to us. But do we consider calling God our home? 

“…He himself gives life and breath to everything, and he satisfies every need….
His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him-though he is not far from any one of us.
For in him we live and move and exist.” Acts 17: 24, 28 NLT

To call God our home, a place where we can live, is for most people, a new thought. We think of God as the One to seek and worship— but not as a place to dwell and live. We think of Him as a miracle worker, not a house to take shelter and live in.

What a delightful realization that God yearns to be the home for our heart. He’s not interested to be our home for a get-a-way, a weekend adventure or summer vacation— but now and for always.  To find our home in God doesn’t’ take a GPS.  It’s not a destination in miles, but a destination of the heart.  

We need not stress that His address will change or disappear.  There is no illness, or misfortune in our life that can shift, damage or disrupt our secure dwelling place in the heart of God.

God desires us to come just as we are, and search no longer. For He is our shelter, our resting place, God is the perfect home— come dwell in the house of God. Come home and live in Him.

"In the rush and noise of life, as you have intervals, step home within yourselves and be still. Wait upon God, and feel His good presence; this will carry you evenly through your day's business."—William Penn

 “Come Home” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© May 17, 2013

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Treasure of His Love

                                                                  Photo Urn in Garden by:Dee Kamp

The Treasure of His Love

What greater treasures can we have than peace, rest and joy? These are but a few of the hidden treasures placed in our hearts by the One who loves us most.  

I will give you hidden treasures, rich stored in secret places,
so that you may know that I am the LORD,
the God of Israel, who summons you by name.”
Isaiah 45:3 NIV

Faith closes the windows and bars the doors against anxiety and despair when we feel threatened to lose His hidden treasure in our heart. 

God’s unfailing love empowers us to say, “All is well”. “All is well” said in faith as tiny as a little mustard seed is our ointment of truth, our calming salve.  Saying those words reveals to all, we understand God is in control. Those words are like our mother’s soft hands spreading a healing balm on the sores, bruises, and bumps we encounter in life.

Jehova-rapha, , “The LORD who heals”, and Jehova-jireh, “The LORD will provide” are but two of the many names that describe the character of our Mighty God.

 Without reservation and in no particular order or formality we can anywhere, anytime call out the Name of God and know He is with us, in every detail of our lives.

God’s promises are dependable, His love is stronger than steel, more treasured than gold. We can be certain no enemy or intruder will ever be able to steal the treasure of His love away from us.

“Joy, Peace, Love, My great gifts. Follow Me to find all three. I want you to feel the thrill of protection and safety Now. Any soul can feel this in a harbor, but real joy and victory come to those alone who sense these when they ride a storm.” —quoted from: A.J. Russell, God Calling

“The Treasure of His Love” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© May 15, 2013

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Love Letter from Jesus

                                                                                      Photo:Song Sparrow by Dee Kamp

Love Letter from Jesus
 Keep Singing in Faith

Do you hear the bird’s consistent song? Keep singing in faith like this. For I hear you as I hear every song of the sparrow. I always hear your heart’s song. I am the Creator of songs, of the music in your heart that seeks Me.

I am here always beside you. Be comforted by this and keep on signing, praying in the Spirit. Pray for others, they need your prayers. Be their voice and let it rise as a sweet, sweet sound in my ears. Prayer swings open the gates of hope, love, and mercy on hinges of trust and faith.

Love always in mercy and compassion whoever I put in your path today. Prayer, oh your heartfelt prayer is more direct and powerful than you can imagine. Don’t look for instant results, place all this in My hands.

Do you not know I use your imperfections as well as your perfections for My highest and best purpose? Stop trying to be perfect in your own way but perfect your faith by constantly coming to Me. Stop, pause, and rest in Me. Say My Name, and you will be focused away from distractions and fears.  In waiting on Me is your strength. In perfect peace you will find me.

Be available, pray always, and listen for My voice. Trust Me, you will know in your heart it is I.  I am the voice of reason, wisdom, and great counsel always in perfect love. Seek wise counsel in My Word, seek wise counsel in the faithful ones I put in your path. Your prayers truly are able to move mountains. Mountains of anxiety are reduced to sand, prayer moves the enemy back, heals. Prayer builds one up in faith and prayer crumbles walls of judgment and prejudice.

Oh my beloved, how I treasure your time with Me. Come and share whatever is on your heart. I am gentle and I love you more than you can possibly imagine. I AM the great one True God and you can trust in Me always. I will lead you in the way to go. Like a man being led into a dark cave by a guide, I am the One with the head lamp on, I am your Guide. I can see what you cannot, and beloved, that is best.

Look for life to be full and very interesting. Every day is full of new beginnings and possibilities, not tomorrow, right now! I am your Holy Guide, I will not fail you. I know the white water rapids down every rushing river you face. I will lead you to the still waters, the pools of rest and refreshing to restore you for what is ahead. With Me there is no mission impossible.

They are all a successes. You may not see or hear the results in your life time. That’s the beauty of faith- knowing all is well, I am with you always and forever.

"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times,
 having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV

 “Keep Singing in Faith” “Love Letter from Jesus” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© May 14, 2013