Sunday, September 22, 2013

In the Nick of Time

In the Nick of Time

When you run an old country store built back in the 1930’s, you learn to be hands on ready for anything. Thank the Lord, my husband Bill was a skilled handy man.  But from time to time he needed me help him out and on this particular occasion it was my pride that nearly caused a real big mess.


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,

and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29 NIV


Bill had formed up an area next to the store to make a patio picnic area for our customers. The busy tourist season was just around the corner and it was time to order the cement for the patio and get the picnic tables set up and ready.  


Bill called me in the late afternoon yelling in the phone with excitement in his voice, “Get on your boots, grab the long handled trowels, the cement truck is on the way now! See if there is anyone nearby that can give you a hand at spreading the concrete until I get there.”


I wasn’t walking or moving around at my best that day. I had a very sore knee, in fact I was scheduled the next day to have knee surgery to repair an old injury! But I figured I could handle this little project until Bill arrived.  I wouldn’t need to call for anyone else to help.


 The concrete truck pulled up, the cement began to flow out the shoot and I started pushing on the long handled trowel with great gusto. Just as I pushed again I began to lose my balance and with flailing arms I was heading fast right into wet cement!


Suddenly I felt strong arms pulling me back rescuing me in the nick of time. When I was able to catch my breath and look around and I was very surprised to see it was our neighbor from across the road who saved me in the nick of time!


“Move over for heaven sakes and let me take over. This work load is too heavy for you,” he said picking up my tool and going right to work.


The Lord didn’t send just anyone to my rescue. Our kind hearted neighbor was a professional concrete worker and did this work for a living! He was on his way home after a long day’s work, saw my distress and drove his truck over quickly to give me a lift- in more ways than one.  My, how I appreciated the Lord’s perfect timing in sending me help.


I learned a lesson taught long ago in the Bible.  Pride hangs on, but faith lets go. Its faith in prayer that sends Jesus to the rescue in the nick of time. We can count on Him to share our load, and carry our heavy burdens, even when we try and carry them all by ourselves.


“In the Nick of Time” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© September 22, 2013

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