Friday, November 8, 2013

Most Unexpected Company

Fall Colors Port Gamble WA by Dee Kamp
Most Unexpected Company

The November wind storm was blowing shaking the branches of our trees sending gold, crimson and orange leaves flying by.

I prepared for my walk down our little country road by buttoning up my coat and pulling up my determination to walk no matter the weather.

I headed down hill with the wind to my back keeping alert should any cars come by so I could move off the narrow road and onto the shoulder.

I was feeling a bit more lonely than usual that day so I whispered a little prayer asking the Lord to join me on my walk.  But I certainly wasn’t prepared for the company He was about to send me.


Let the heavens be glad, and the earth rejoice!

Let the sea and everything in it shout his praise!

Let the fields and their crops burst out with joy!

Let the trees of the forest rustle with praise before the Lord,

for he is coming!”

Psalm 96:11-13


Sometimes we find it difficult to focus on the Lord when our minds are spinning with things that deeply concern us. Our Abba Father delights in us coming to Him for every little need, even for the need for company on a walk.


I had paused when I thought I heard a car coming.  I moved to the shoulder off the road and stood waiting ―but no car appeared.


Strange, I thought, and I started off again. But then I heard an unfamiliar rattling― a shuffling sound like people scooting by. That’s when something in the road next to me caught my eye and I was stopped in my tracks.


A pile of leaves were rushing down the hill and they stopped right by me. But how strange, when I began to walk again, they picked up shuffled along and seemed to be keeping pace with me as I walked along.  Oh I how I laughed out loud! This was too funny. If I slowed to a stop, they fluttered and settled down on the road. As I began to walk again up they lifted rustling along to join me. It was silly and crazy and fun.

 I knew there was a logical explanation for all of this, but I couldn’t help laughing and simply enjoying this merry moment, a time when it seemed nature was taking a walk with me!  


Somehow the Lord in His mysterious ways not only lifted up those leaves to join me on my walk, He lifted up my spirits as well. God certainly has a sense of humor!


He’ll walk with us, He’ll talk with us as we go along our way. And with God you can always expect the unexpected ways He will delight you even with the most unexpected company.


“Most Unexpected Company” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© November 8, 2013

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