washtub filled with flowers Sanborn Iowa by Dee Kamp
Don't Borrow
From Tomorrow!
a professional worrier," my new neighbor recently confessed
to me. I discovered this to be sadly true. She was so preoccupied
with her worries for tomorrow she couldn't tell you what was going
on around her today.
My grandma use to say, "If you borrow a
cup of worry from tomorrow you'll lose a pound of joy today."
worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need,
and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which
exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds
as you live in Christ Jesus," (Philippians 4:6-7 NLT).
When waves of worry wheedle and worm
themselves into our heart, take heart. When we call out the name of
Jesus we will sense an instant release from worry that we can never do by our
own efforts.
When my husband was often in the hospital for
treatments I started carrying a tiny notebook of encouraging Scripture verses
to read while time dragged anxiousness thoughts upon me. Oh how sweet a release
it is to sense the nearness of the Lord in those moments.
Storing God’s Word in our heart is
preferable, but also keeping His Word handy and visible will whisk worry away
like sweeping away those dust bunnies from under the bed. Let the Word of God
push worry out of the way and allow the Lord’s promises of peace fill up your heart
every time.
the Robin to the Sparrow:
should really like to know
these anxious human beings
about and worry so.”
the Sparrow to the Robin,
I think that it must be,
they have no heavenly Father,
as cares for you and me.”
“Don’t Borrow from Tomorrow” by Dee Kamp,
Grace Every Morning Ministries© July 6, 2015
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