Photo by Dee Kamp
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul
pants for You, O’ God.
My soul thirsts
for the living God. Psalm 42:1
Let our goal be in
God Himself
Not joy, nor peace,
not even His sweet blessings
But seeking,
searching for God Himself.
Let our faith bound
forward to its goal of God alone
Where our thirst will
be quenched by His unfailing love.
For its faith and love
which will lead us there,
Upheld and encouraged
by Him our soul to follow hard. Press on, press on
And in that secret
place alone with Him, our deepest thirst be quenched in peace-we rest
One thing is sure,
one thing we can do step by step is press onward always thirsty still
Joyfully giving God our
glory here and there as along we go in life’s journey
Knowing it is heaven
where we will reap our great reward in streams of Living Water.
“Streams of Living Water” by Dee Kamp, Grace
Every Morning Ministries© February 28, 2017