Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Few More Sleeps

 A Few Sleeps To Go

From the moment I would open the door of the motor home and begin to load it for a camping trip our chocolate Labrador dog named Rosie would leap inside and sit in her favorite spot eager and ready to go.

“Silly girl,” I’d say to this attentive and smart dog, “we aren’t going anywhere for days. You have few more sleeps before we go.”

Dogs and kids have something in common when it comes to the concept of time. They don’t have a clue.  But as adults we too have trouble with time. Not ours, but God’s.

For everything there is a season a time for every activity under heaven.
 Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time.
He has planted eternity in the human heart,
 but even so, people cannot see
 the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.”
Ecclesiastes 3:1,11 NLT

It really means nothing to a child of a certain age when you say, “We’re going to go camping in two weeks.” You could count on them asking you every single day until you left if this is the day. And then, of course, it was, “Are we there yet!”

Children don’t understand what preparation and planning is involved and all it takes to get ready. To them its jump in and go. A child doesn’t realize you are looking out for their best interest, and time to go can often involve the timing of things and other people too.

It’s the same for God when we send up our requests to Him. There is much more involved than we can see, understand or imagine for our prayers to be answered. How good it is to know God sees beyond our earth bound timing. God never rushes time, wastes time or ever misses a date.

 Even though we have no idea what God’s timing is, we can be certain of this, God loves us and whatever He does is good for us and we will be blessed.

Did Rosie understand my explanation of a few sleeps? She’s just a dog right? Well we could never figure this out, but once we told her it would take a few sleeps before we go, she would hop out of the motor home and go back into the house. Then somehow she knew the exact day we were leaving and would get back in the motor home convinced it was time to go. 

Kids and dogs depend on us to be wise for good times and good timing. How great it is that we can depend on God for His perfect timing too— it may just take a few more sleeps.

“A Few More Sleeps” by Dee Kamp Grace Every Morning Ministries© July 17, 2013

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