Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Miracle of Plent

The Miracle of Plenty
It came as a surprise, a last minute provision most needed at the moment, and an unexpected blessing from God. But had the Lord made a mistake in the quantity He supplied to do the job?  
 “’What can I do to help you?’”, Elisha said. “Tell me, what do you have in the house?” “Nothing at all, except a flask of olive oil, “she replied. And Elisha said, “Borrow as many empty jars as you can from your friends and neighbors. Then go into your house with your sons and shut the door behind you. Pour olive oil from your flask into the jars, setting each one aside when it is filled.” So she did as she was told. Her sons kept bringing jars to her, and she filled one after another. Soon every container was full to the brim!” 2 Kings 4:2-5 NLT
I stood looking at the old Beaver Valley Store sitting on the same quiet stretch of road since it was first built in the early 1930’s. “Looks forlorn, sad and embarrassed to me,” I said to husband Bill.
It had been painted a gaudy, and in uncommon colors for a country store-it was now bright purple and brilliant red by former renters.  It had been a noble effort to draw attention to passers. Unfortunately it drew more negative comments than positive.
Bill and I thought it was important to freshen it up with a coat of fresh paint in soft gray. We hoped, at least, to do just the front of the store. To our delight, God provided a blessing right away. A break in my contractor brother’s work, schedule opened up and Steven blessed us by driving from out of town to give us hand.
Now, what about the paint? And how much paint would it take to cover up those very bright colors? Would we be able to buy enough paint on our meager budget?
  We had no ideas, but God was way ahead of us.  A few days before we were planning this project we heard from a man at our church who was retiring from his painting business and had one five gallon tub of commercial paint left. Would we like to buy it? We said yes and were amazed by his kindness and generosity. He sold it to us for the unimaginable price of $10!  
Before we left from home to begin painting the store my brother prayed with us over that one tub of paint. He prayed what he called the widow and the oil prayer.
“Let it be like the oil for the widow Lord, let there be enough to do the whole job ahead. We can’t do it God, but you can.”
Steve climbed up on the roof of the porch of the store and began painting with zeal. With every dip of the brush into the paint he said he just kept on praying for a miracle the paint would last. The way to the end looked long and challenging to us all. But the paint kept coming out of the tub!
 Now the three of us looked in the tub of paint, which was still half full, picked up our brushes and began what was left to do. Another stretch down the front with thirsty shingles hungrily lapping up the paint fast.
We were bone tired by dusk and we there stood before a fully painted store front with pint still left over! We shook our heads in amazement and we bowed our heads in praise and thanksgiving to God. It was a miracle the miracle of plenty of paint and a miracle of plenty above and beyond as only God can do.
"Faith must be tested and tried before it becomes real in your life, so that no matter what happens, the transforming power of God's providence transforms perfect faith into reality. The life of faith says, 'Lord, You have said it, it appears to be irrational, but I'm going to step out boldly, trusting in Your Word.' Faith is the entire person in the right relationship with God through the power of the Spirit of Jesus Christ." --Oswald Chambers, from My Utmost for His Highest

“The Miracle of Plenty” Another Beaver Valley Story, by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© January 20, 2016

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