Tuesday, November 29, 2016

One Little Window

by Dee Kamp

One Little Window

In the bedroom of our motor home is one little window that if I twist just so to my left I am able to look up into the night and see a very limited view of the sky.

 One sleepless night I pulled up the shade and looked out to see the Little Dipper perfectly framed right there in front of me! I was awe struck that I was able to it so perfectly with such a restricted view. 

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers,

the moon and the stars, which you have set in place… Psalm 8:3 NIV


According to Wikipedia, the Little Dipper is a collection of perfectly aligned stars in a pattern called an asterism, and one star is most well-known as the North Star. This is the star which has been the most dependable and accurate navigation tool for thousands of years. The scientist say only this star is stable and aligned perfectly with the earth’s axis.  Is our God awesome or what?

How unusual I thought, and on this particular night when I had been lying awake praying for something or someone to show us how to determine which way we were to go next. God reminded me-He is more than able. I should always seek Him first! I asked myself, who could possibly know more about what is good for us and what is the best choice for the best way to go for decisions in life than God?

God loves using the small and unexpected things in life to make point. The more than point to His abilities, they point to His sovereignty. There is a little song by Mary, a little baby in a manager, a single star, a cup of water, one small coin in the offering and the power of faith in one little a mustard seed.

And who, but God, could reveal at a random viewing in the night out one little window the Little Dipper with its perfectly placed North Star to remind how a little prayer in faith can receive the impossible?

"Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible." Corrie ten Boom

“One Little Window” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© November 28, 2016