Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tethered by an Invisible Cord of Love

                                                        Photo: Happy Dog, by Dee Kamp

Tethered by an Invisible Cord of Love

I watched in delight at the presentation of dog and master as they performed an obedience trial around the room. It was amazing to watch them work together as one. The dog was not leashed, but walked in perfect harmony with his master as if tethered by an invisible cord. This was the most touching exhibit of something good coming out of one poor dog’s previously miserable life.  

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:28 NIV

This well behaved Labrador retriever had once been a throw away dog. One who had grown up shut up inside a pen and forgotten but for food tossed at him from time to time.

At first he was grouchy, depressed, dirty, and listless. He didn’t know how to trust, love, or even play and enjoy life.  He possessed some pretty bad habits— but love changed all that. This beautiful dog was drawn in by a trustworthy cord of love changing his life forever. His life went from pain and misery to one of new strengths and purpose.

Our God is able to come to our rescue and turn our lives around. He knows our greatest needs and our deepest desires. He is able to turn our weaknesses into new gifts, talents and strengths for a life filled with purpose.

In Christ we are made new in Him. By His love He is able to change our attitudes, habits and our heart.  When we turn to Him, we walk in tandem to be guided, directed and loved every step of the way.

We are tethered by His love, by a cord that may be invisible to the human eye— but always visible by the heart who seeks Him.

“Tethered by an Invisible Cord of Love” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© April 30, 2013

Monday, April 29, 2013

Highway Called Hope

                                                           Photo sunlight through trees, Long Beach WA by Dee Kamp

Highway Called Hope

There is hope in each new day that unfolds. His Word is our guard rail along the highways of our daily life.  God’s Word is the arrow of hope always pointing to the surest and truest way to go.

Let us hold unwaveringly to the hope we profess,
for He who promised is faithful.”
Hebrews 10:23 NIV

His Word leads us to open highways of hope. He is our bridge over turbulent waters, and our Light along dark and unfamiliar paths.

God works through His Word and He speaks through His Word giving faith and rest to our weary hearts. We stand on the Rock of His promises and are assured we never travel one single step alone.

The Lord holds our hand firmly in the many unforeseen circumstances along the way. He guides us around anxious moments and picks us up when we fall and gives us strength when we feel faint of heart.  

We can trust in God for strength to cope, to keep us on the right path to victory over grief and pain. With God, there is always a highway called Hope.

“Only God is able. It is faith in him that we must rediscover. With this faith we can transform bleak and desolate valleys into sunlit paths of joy and bring new light into the dark caverns of pessimism.”— Martin Luther King, Jr.

 “A Highway Called Hope” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© April 29, 2013

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Truth About the Leaning Tree

                                                        Photo: Giant Leaf Maple by Dee Kamp

The Truth About the Leaning Tree

More than fifty years had passed since I visited the small town in the foothills of my youth. The hurricane like winds still howls down through the gorges of the Cascade Mountains into this town. And one year as a teenager, I too was blown in by fate with no choice of my own to live here.  

The Lord is good to those who depend on him, to those who search for Him.”
Lamentations 3:25 NLT

With no family, friends, and not even my faithful dog for comfort, I looked for courage and strength to face the challenging days ahead. What I found one day while walking to school was—a tree. Yes—a huge giant maple tree! I figured this tree had survived centuries of storms and if the tree could make it —well, so could I. I called it my leaning tree.

I would stop and go lean against its strong tough old trunk on the way to school and share what was on my heart. The tree seemed to bend down and wrap its arm like branches around me. I reminded myself to be strong just like it. I felt certain the tree would be there every day for me.

That day while I had been visiting friends after so many years away, something in my heart urged me to go look around for my old leaning tree.  

I stopped the car and looked around where I was sure the tree should be. Confused I started to back the car away when something caught my eye and yet seemed familiar.  Laughter bubbled out of me and I simply burst out laughing. The tree was gone and replaced with nothing less than a bench and a historic marker!  I got out and read the plaque to discover that my leaning tree had blown down just a few months after I had moved out of town!

The tree was as vulnerable to the winds and storms of life as I was back then. I laughed to think at the irony of depending on a tree for my strength to make it through a difficult time. When at any moment it could have been blown down in the next storm.

What I knew for certain was God brought me here to this place to be reminded it was He who watched over me, listened to my heart and gave me the strength I needed in those days.

The truth is it sometimes it takes us a long time to see all the times God has rescued, guided and watched over us throughout our lives. How good it is to trust in Jesus.  And on this fateful day when the tree was gone I was delightfully reminded— God alone is, and always will be —my leaning tree.

“The Truth About the Leaning Tree” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries © revised April 25, 2013

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

His Sunbeam of Love

                                                    Photo: Colorado Rockies Sunrise by Dee Kamp

His Sunbeam of Love 
 In our every day walk in life we are able to be delightfully surprised by the simple and creative ways the Lord reveals His love for us.  
Those who accept my commandments and obey them are the ones who love me.
 And because they love me, my Father will love them.
And I will love them and reveal myself to each of them.” John 14:21 NLT

When our thoughts are crowded by life’s busyness, when concerns and anxiousness have managed to take up camp all around us, God will send a surprise as simple as a sunbeam at any moment to encourage us.
God can use anything, and anyone to remind us how much He loves us. Who knows better than God the things, people and circumstances that will delight us the most? God is in the details of our life, He’s not out there somewhere far away. For those who love Jesus they can expect God's unexpected sunbeam of love.  

The Lord uses His creation and His people
To reveal His love for us in a million different ways.
From laughter in the whimsy of a delightful discovery,
  To a sudden rainbows in the sky once dark and gray,
From a loved one’s gentle look or
An unexpected act of kindness,
 It’s God really saying,
“I love you my child”.

“His Sunbeam of Love”  by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© April 24, 2013