Friday, September 26, 2014

The Best Gift Ever List


The Best Gift Ever List

As I roamed the little sea side gift shop this summer which displayed beautifully crafted and clever items a framed list of gift ideas caught my eye. The list brought more than good ideas to me, it tickled a delightful memory of the time I found a little worn and wrinkled gift list tucked away in my mother’s Christmas address book. It was titled “The Best Gift Ever List”

 You must decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 NLT

My mother loved giving gifts and never once did I hear her grumble about birthdays or holidays. She was a great gift giver because she would remember the things people said they loved, enjoyed and were interested in.

But this list I accidently found years after she passed away surprised me because it had nothing to do with people or with buying things they might like.

It was a list of gifts everyone can afford, it was a list of what one can simply give of oneself.

·       The Gift of Time―With no one else and no other distractions but the one you are giving to. Simply ‘be’ all and all with that special someone. This is a precious gift no amount of money can buy.

·       The Gift of Listening―Do so without interruption, with sincerity. This is a gift of respect and honor which is more precious than the gift of gold or silver.

·       The Gift of Laughter―The joy of laughing together lightens and brightens every heart. Tuck a joke or story away in your memory, purse or pocket. It’s a gift that keeps on giving.

·       The Gift of Compliment―kind words spoken or written in sincere honesty is the gift of encouragement with a price tag money can’t buy.

·       The Gift of Hope― The gift that truly fits and is desired by everyone. It comes wrapped in heavenly love.  More precious than gold is sharing Jesus, God’s gift of hope to all of us.


“If the essence of my being has caused a smile

To have appeared upon your face

Or a touch of joy within your heart,

Then in living-I have made my mark.”

―Thomas L. Odem, Jr.


“The Best Gift Ever List” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© September 26, 2014




Wednesday, September 24, 2014

There's a Lesson in Every Blessing

Path to the Light  by Dee Kamp
There's a Lesson in Every Blessing

In our travels this summer, my husband Bill and I went for a drive several miles beyond our campground into a small town called Packwood which is snuggled in the foothills of the Cascades Mountains.  A name which describes the town’s commerce of logging to a tee.

It’s a friendly community where everyone greets you with a smile, and where as a stranger you gawk at Roosevelt Elk wandering all over the town.

 We’d been on the road for some time and I missed those I meet with back at home regularly to share the Word of God and the joy of the Lord. So far our camp ground and visits had been as dry as the desert.

So I prayed God would put someone like this in my path soon. Well, I forgot all about this request, but Jesus did not and I was about to have a most delightful divine appointment.

When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith,

but I also want to be encouraged by yours.” Acts 1:12 NLT


On the way I spotted a thrift on the way out of town. I can’t pass up a thrift shop for all those little treasures I might discover. As I roamed the bookshelves a woman who volunteers there walked up to greet me. Her bright eyes and smile was so warm and genuine that though we were strangers before I knew it we were sharing the love of Jesus and Scriptures we love.  We laughed, held hands and both said nearly at once, “You are just what I needed today!”

Her joy was contagious! I was so thankful for her willingness to share her passion for the Lord. Yes, my prayer had been answered, but as the Lord always does with me, He shows me there is a simple, but profound lesson in every blessing.

 I was reminded that it’s good to hide His Word in our heart but also remember to share it with others so they too will be encouraged and blessed like you!

“There's a Lesson in Every Blessing” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© September 24, 2014



Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Perfect Companion

Newport Oregon Bridge by Dee Kamp
Perfect Companion

We’ve been on a journey in our motor home now for nearly a month, but also for me it’s been a journey of the heart.

 In the mornings I still rise early to be alone with God and feel I’m in His presence even in this faraway place. As I shield my eyes from the bright morning sun I sense His presence and know God is my constant Companion in all transitions and journeys in this life.

You have searched me LORD and know you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive y thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, LORD, know it completely. You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.” Psalm 139:1-6 NIV

He guides my steps, He hems me in behind and before, and yet miraculously is always by my side. I am stunned by this, that no matter the everywhere life leads us in journeys of roads and places, and journeys of trials and circumstances, God is already there, and yet always right here beside us too.

God, it seems, will chose to most unfamiliar, unknown and unpromising places in which to reveal Himself in might and power to always encourage us to go forward. God is the perfect Companion for every transition and journey in our lives.

 “Let God find you. Listen for His voice. Turn aside and see the bush that burns but is not consumed. You will find the journey easier when you travel with a Companion.” ―Jane Rubietta, Quiet Places

“Perfect Companion” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© September 17, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

Wonerings Between the Lines

Pacific Blue Wave by Dee Kamp

Wonderings Between the Lines 

Ever find yourself sometimes wondering about what might have been happening between the lines in the stories of the Bible?

 Did Noah and his family get any sleep with a ship full of raucous animal sounds? Did the rain lull them to sleep or make them toss and turn all night? Did Sarah tell Abraham she just wanted to stay put for a little while longer? And when the angel left Mary after proclaiming she would be a mother did she leap with joy and run right to her mother and share the good news as women still do today?  

But of all the wonderings and all the questions we may still have there is one question we need never ask, “Does God still love us today?” By the birth of a wee babe born in a stable, by His amazing love at Calvary― God says yes

But from everlasting to everlasting the LORDS’s love is with those who fear him and his righteousness with their children’s children-…Psalm 103:17 NIV

To this day the Bible is a fresh breath of inspiring truth we can depend on and delight in. God‘s story is perfectly written just the way it is. It’s a Message of hope and life that does not need one more word of embellishment for us to grasp how amazing and unlimited is God's love for us now and forever.

Oh, read the goodness of the Lord 
And savor all He has done;
Draw close and give your heart to Him―
The Holy, Sovereign, Faithful One.


“Wondering Between the Lines” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© September 15, 2014 revisited from November 11, 2013





Friday, September 12, 2014

Linger Longer Lane

path by Dee Kamp
Linger Longer Lane

There is a road not far from me named, Linger Longer Lane. Doesn’t that just pull at your heartstrings and make you want to get out of the car and walk slowly down the road? A road with tall evergreen trees with streaming sunshine through its branches. A place so quiet your footsteps don’t make a sound on the moss covered trail.  You really do want to linger longer there. A place where you sense God is waiting and wanting to be alone with you.

O my darling, lingering in the gardens,

 your companions are fortunate to hear your voice.

 Let me hear it too!” Song of Songs 8:13 NLT


Oh how our Lord longs for us to linger longer with Him, to hear our voice calling Him and no other. Here in our secret place with Him we get a glimpse of the beauty and the power of His love.

Here we can share our most intimate and cherished moments with Jesus. He yearns for that personal relationship with us, no detail of our lives is too small and never too great for Him to hear.

Here alone with God we gain a fresh vision and inspiration of going forward on our journey in life which Jesus so desires for us. He puts all things in a fresh perspective, when we give it all to Him. He gives rest to our soul and peace in our heart that the world can’t give or ever understand.

We can know our Bible and memorize the Scriptures but until we are alone with God in our secret place, we will never know the power of God.

Does God send signs in our life? Real ones? I may never know until I get to heaven. But whenever I see the Linger Longer Lane sign I am reminded how precious it is to know I will always find Him waiting there just for me.

 “But until then, I will retreat to my secret place, a heartsick, lovesick bride who longs to behold her Bridegroom. I will purse Him with the intent of overtaking Him. I will exult in our quiet secret―the place of highest intimacy―for here I am joined to Him and we are one spirit.”―Bob Sorge, Secrets of the Secret Place

Linger Longer Lane” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© September 12, 2014 from: December 11, 2013

Monday, September 8, 2014

Joy Overflowing

Bubbling Streams by Dee Kamp
Joy Overflowing
         God’s gift of joy in us is like a shaken soda pop, a bubbling up joy that inhabits our hearts no matter where we are, who we are with or any circumstances and situations going on around us.

            “So I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love. When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow.” John 16:9-11 NLT

            Our heavenly Father has made joy possible by His Holy Spirit who fills our hearts with a love for Him. Jesus promised peace and its fruit― holy joy.

            This joy is not that happy feeling which depends on happenings. Holy joy is a gift from God placed eternally in the hearts of believers of the Good News of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

            Not time, nor age or worldly circumstances can take away this beautiful holy joy from us.

            “Can you imagine the witness that goes out into the world when you live each day with so much joy? The happiness of Jesus cannot be taken from you. It is a joy that lasts.” —Andrew Murray Daily in His Presence


Joy Overflowing” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© April 2, 2012 rewrite September 8, 2014

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Heavenly Interruptions

Heavenly Interruptions

 “How did you manage to deliver the message of Christ in that remote island?” I overhead the eager youth ask the missionary. 

I heard the voice of the LORD, saying: ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?’”Isaiah 6:8

The soft spoken missionary responded, “We were constantly interrupted by the natives and they could not seem to sit still a minute and listen to us.  It was becoming impossible to talk with them. Then we discovered something more affective and easier than one could ever imagine. Things began to move forward at a rapid pace when we allowed God to interrupt our plans and go with His. Suddenly everyone wanted to know who we were and why we were doing these nice things for them.  How did we deliver the Message? Quite simply, we listened to God and delivered His message with our hands and feet.”

 When the compassion of Christ is seen, things happen, something moves, and sometimes that takes heavenly interruptions.

Do we feel a little more interrupted lately? Just when we are set to a task, some work we feel important and imperative to the Lord, does it all come to halt and get insanely interrupted?  Do we feel it in our spirit that God is trying to get our attention?

 The call of God is not a personal desire, or an emotional pressing in. It’s in our measure of time and effort to be in a right relationship with Him. That’s when things begin to happen, when lives are changed, ours lives right along with others.  

 God will interrupt our plans when He is about to do something in our lives to change the lives of others. Perhaps those interruptions lately are God’s way of getting our attention. He is calling us, even tugging at our heart strings to stop going our way and begin moving closer to Him and doing it His way, in His time. 

“The majority of us cannot hear anything but ourselves. And we cannot hear anything God says. But to be brought to the place where we can hear the call of God is to be profoundly changed.” —Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, January 16.

“Heavenly Interruptions” RV by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© September 3, 2014