Saturday, August 30, 2014

When Words Fail Us

Photo by Dee Kamp
When Words Fail Us

It can happen to anyone, anytime. When our heart flutters, our mind spins, and our lips can’t form a single word in our utmost desire to pray to God.  In this struggle of our silence who can help us?

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.” Romans 8:26-27 NIV

We’ve all been there at some point in our life when we rush before God filled with a great need to share our hearts with Him. In our frustration even tears may begin to fall.
We have no idea where to begin, how to find the words adequate to express what matters most, no idea of what to say all. That’s when the Holy Spirit intervenes on our behalf and we can be confident He will do as he promises.

The Holy Spirit knows the trials we face, and those of our loved ones that lay heavy on our heart.

How wonderful is our Lord! His compassions never fail. He hears the language of our soul, the deep desires of our heart―no words are required. Even when words fail us, God never fails to hear us.
Though life can make my words a mess
When I pray You always give me rest.
Holy Spirit reign supreme in my heart forlorn.
Speak for me when my heart is torn.
Holy Spirit, all Divine,
Come dwell in this heart of mine.


“When Words Fail” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© August 30, 2014

Monday, August 25, 2014

Not Seen With the Eye

The Lam points the Way: Photo by Dee Kamp
Not Seen With the Eye

I have a writer’s office. And for those who write, you will know what I mean. Lest we fail to get inspired, or heaven help us forget something we may need later on, there are sticky notes galore, photos, quotes and pages of ideas tucked here and there and everywhere. I’m cocooned in friendly familiar clutter.

The other day with my sleeves rolled up, so to speak, I was about to begin a project when I couldn’t find my special computer glasses.

“Bill,” I called out, as I dashed about the house, “Have you seen my computer glasses? I’ve been looking for an hour and can’t find them anywhere!”  

As I stand before him, he can hardly speak for laughing and says, “Dear they are sitting on top of your head!”

Has this happened to you? You are searching for something and discover you’ve had it all along?

Well I thought of my missing eye glasse folly this morning when I read Luke 17 today. Jesus was patiently trying to tell the Pharisees that what they searched for had already come.

One day the Pharisees asked Jesus, “When will the Kingdom of God come?” Jesus replied, “The Kingdom of God can’t be detected by visible signs. You won’t be able to say, ‘Here it is! Or ‘It’s over there!’ For the Kingdom of God is already among you.” Luke 17:20-21 NLT

The Kingdom of God is not like an earthly kingdom with land boundaries. It begins with believing in Jesus and the work of God’s Holy Spirit in our lives and in our relationships.

We need not look to institutions or programs for evidence of God’s Kingdom or evidence of Jesus. Instead we need only to look for what God is doing in heart of people.

It’s our honor and joy to share the valuable discovery of God’s Kingdom living within us. When we choose Jesus to come and live in our heart we already have what we have been searching for all our lives ―His Kingdom promise of hope, joy and unfailing love.  God’s Kingdom is not seen with the eye, but with the heart.

“Not Seen With the Eye” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© August 25, 2014


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A God Stop Moment

photo by Dee Kamp
A God Stop Moment
So Haman took the robes and put them on Mordecai, placed him on the king’s own horse, and led him through the city square, shouting, “This is what the king does for someone he wishes to honor!” Esther 6:11 NLT
What does a verse in Ester 6:11 have in common with a story I heard on the news last night? I didn’t have long to wait, God was going to show me in a way I call, a God Stop Moment.
God stop moments, are those times when one is reading the Bible and ready to move on to the next verse when suddenly you sense you must stop right where you are. God has something special He wants you understand, and you can go on no further until you do.
Today, to my amazement, it was in the Old Testament story about Ester, or rather about her Uncle Mordecai. You see Mordecai had warned there was a plot to kill King Xerxes many years before, but no one gave him credit or honor for saving the king’s life.
Years later God brought this oversight to the king’s attention and the king gave an order that very day to bring public honor for Mordecai. He ordered this celebration to be carried out by the very man who had been making plans to kill Mordecai!
Our God is still faithful today to turn around what was meant for harm to the good, to give justice and honor where it has been over looked. And the Lord used Ester and a recent news story to point this out to me.  
 The television news story told how a woman finally received her high school diploma ―fifty years late.  Our King chose to bring honor to her now for being unjustly expelled from high school back then, only weeks before her graduation, because she suddenly found herself pregnant. God didn’t choose this to be done in a letter in the mail, no, He chose her to be honored on national television for the whole world to see!
God never forgets an injustice, His mercies and unfailing love never fail. His timing is perfect. He steps in when it will do the most good, to bring all glory and honor to Him.
When we feel the nudge to stop, an urge to pause in the Word of God, it’s the best blessing ever, for it’s sure to be -a God stop moment.
 “God Stop Moment” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© August 19, 2014

Monday, August 18, 2014

Leader Lead Me

Photo by: Dee Kamp
Leader Lead Me
Not long ago I was asked to be a volunteer for the senior tour. I was assigned six people, and God blessed me so much with this little flock to guide and direct.
There were many vans and busloads of out of town people and I noticed a group leader on another bus just march off and leave her people standing around looking anxious and confused. My heart went out to them, for they needed someone right then and there to help them find their way.
 “I will bless the LORD who guides me; even at night my heart instructs me.
I know the LORD is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.” Psalm 16:7- 8 NLT
Someone must have prayed I decided, because He brought them time again to join our group.
When confusion comes for us, as it so often does in the most unexpected times, if we pause and lift up our need to God, He will be faithful to help us. He may give us an immediate answer or direct us to someone or a source we need to lead us in the best way to go.
How good it is to know, our God, our Shepherd is the Leader who never will disappear, walk away, or let us down. He is always faithful to those who trust it all to Him.
God is but a whisper away, and He’ll hear us when we pray, “Great Leader, lead me today.”
“Leader Lead Me” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© August 18, 2014
Leader Lead Me

Not long ago I was asked to be a volunteer for the senior tour. I was assigned six people, and God blessed me so much with this little flock to guide and direct.

There were many vans and busloads of out of town people and I noticed a group leader on another bus just march off and leave her people standing around looking anxious and confused. My heart went out to them, for they needed someone right then and there to help them find their way.

 “I will bless the LORD who guides me; even at night my heart instructs me. I know the LORD is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.” Psalm 16:7- 8 NLT

Someone must have prayed I decided, because He brought them time again to join our group.

When confusion comes for us, as it so often does in the most unexpected times, if we pause and lift up our need to God, He will be faithful to help us. He may give us an immediate answer or direct us to someone or a source we need to lead us in the best way to go.

How good it is to know, our God, our Shepherd is the Leader who never will disappear, walk away, or let us down. He is always faithful to those who trust it all to Him.

God is but a whisper away, and He’ll hear us when we pray, “Great Leader, lead me today.”


“Leader Lead Me” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© August 18, 2014

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Snow Bridge Incident

Photo by Dee Kamp
The Snow Bridge Incident

I’ve shared this personal story of my moment of greatest fear before, but it is been awhile. And this morning the Lord put the memory of it on my heart and said, “Share it, someone needs to hear it today.”

Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:4-7 NIV

When Bill and I were first married we delighted in the times away from our jobs to go into the mountains and do some short day hiking. I was a novice! Never before had I camped and done such things. But my Bill was raised in Colorado and lots of experience, he is a natural with nature.

We were camping near Mount Baker in Washington State. We had good forest maps and there was a little trail up the base of the mountain we chose for our hike that day. But after a while we found there were still patches of snow here and there, but had no problem walking through them and finding the trail. I felt pretty confident and was enjoying these new adventures that is until our trail led us a place where we would need to cross a snow bridge!

Bill marched confidently on ahead of me but halfway across it, I stopped, frozen in place. Suddenly a fear came over me like I had never experienced before in my life.

When he got the short distance across Bill turned in surprise to see me still standing there. I said, “I can’t take a step I know I’ll slip and fall.”

“No you won’t, its safe, follow my footsteps,” he called to me.

I only shook my head and the tears began to fall down my cheeks and my legs began to shake. Bill came back to me and spoke very softly saying, “Now I’ll turn around and you put your hand on my shoulder and don’t let go and don’t look down, look only at me.

I had to take three deep breaths and really-really trust him. One step, two steps and then before I knew it we were across!

Today as I read Philippians 4:4-7, I heard the Lord whisper in my heart, “Put your hand on my shoulder, we’ll cross all bridges you face together.”

It’s not the first time the Lord reminded me to put my hand on His shoulder, in His hand and in His trust. I like so many of you have had to cross a troubled bridge, not of snow but of circumstances. A bridge over troubled waters. I truly say with great joy, Jesus has never failed me once. He has encouraged me in gentle and understanding love, given me His strength to press on and together gotten me safely across and into His loving arms.

“This is the Christ in whom you’ve been placed. This is the Christ who surrounds you-above you, beneath you, around you, before you, behind you, within you. This is the Christ who is all, and in all. You are complete, “running over,” in Him” Anne Ortlund   

Monday, August 11, 2014

There is Only One

There Is Only One

The more I spend time with strangers this summer on trips here and there, the more I find how confused people are about God.

One woman exploded into praise for God about the beauty of His majesty, but sometime later shared with us how she has several other things she depends too for her faith, strength and wisdom.

Yet, I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel and afterward you will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you.” Psalm 73:23-25 NIV

Each of us has an important decision to make. Is Jesus really who He claimed to be, the only begotten Son of the Father, the Messiah, our Savior, Redeemer, our great High Priest?

There is only one true God, one Christ, the Son of God, and one Holy Spirit. And we will be lost, confused and easily led astray if we do not believe on Him and stay steadfast in the Word of God. By His Word we will be enlightened and led to the Truth that sets us free from anxiety, confusion and sin.

How wonderful it is to share the Truth about Jesus. We don’t need many things to worship, be forgiven, and find strength and peace.  We can honestly share that Jesus is the precious gift from God- He is the only One we will ever need.

 “Worship Me only. Whatever occupies your mind the most becomes your god. Worries, if indulged develop into idols. Anxiety gains a life of its own, parasitically infesting your mind. Break free from this bondage by affirming your trust in Me and refreshing yourself in My Presence.” –Sarah Young, Jesus Calling

“There is Only One” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministry© August 11, 2014

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Glory List

The Glory List

I worked with a woman several years ago who had been a widow for about one year when we met, she had four teenagers and one daughter in college all still living at home. When I asked her how she managed all these challenges on her own and still stay so positive she replied,
 "Oh, I don’t manage anything on my own. I write down what I need on my glory list and I give the list to Jesus. The longer the list, the more opportunities I have to glorify Him! I never want to make my list too short that would show my lack of faith, so I go all out."

 In time the children moved out and it became apparent to her that she needed to sell her big family home and buy one she could manage better.  One day she asked me to pray with her for what she had just written down on her new glory list.

I sighed to myself, as I saw selling the home fast was number one on the list and number two was finding another smaller, more affordable home in the same area and all to happen at the same time. Sell her home in this market and find another for the little money she would have left over? Impossible I thought. I fear she is setting herself up to be disappointed.

 Sing praises to God and to his name! Sing loud praises to him who rides the clouds. His name is the LORD- rejoice in his presence! Father to the fatherless, defender of widows-this is God, whose dwelling is holy," Psalm 68:4-5 NLT

 She said to me, "You can't imagine the peace I have once I give it all to Jesus. He knows what's best for me, even if I don't. Things often turn out different from my glory list, but I always have all that I need. My choices would be far too emotional; Jesus makes wise choices that will stand the test of time, and I’ve learned to trust in Him.”

 What a wonderful life lesson in faith I learned in those days from my friend. And to my surprise, and delight, her home sold in less than two weeks! And you guessed it, she also secured an option to buy the perfect little house right down the street just like what was written on her glory list.

 “When the details and difficulties of life surround us, we must do the unnatural thing. We must run to the Lord with thanksgiving and praise on our lips, cling tenaciously to Him, and be overwhelmed by the peace and the contentment of His presence.”—Phyllis Bengas, Intimate Moments with the Shepherd


 “The Glory List” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© August 6, 2014

Friday, August 1, 2014

Light in the Valley

Sunrise in the Rocky Mountains by Dee Kamp
Light in the Valley

Several years ago we spent several days up in the Colorado Rocky Mountains with our family. We were camped in a valley on a reservoir surrounded on every side by the imposing and beautiful high peak mountains.

For most of our time camping the days were filled blue skies and the weather perfect for all our outdoor activities. Then there came a sudden change in the weather. A typical mountain thunderstorm began to make its presence know as it boomed like a drum and echoed off the hills.  At mid-day it became like night and to my shock― two tornadoes appeared high up on the horizon!

The Word gave life to everything that was created, and His life brought light to everyone.

The light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it.”

John 1: 4-5 NLT

Boaters scurried off the water, tents were folded up and recreational vehicles pulled down awnings. Our valley had grown very, very dark and I prayed for the storm to pass, to leave us safe and let the light to return to us once again.


The storm passed over us hard and fast and the tornadoes only spun high touching hills and taking off in crazy dizzy disorder to some other faraway place.


The next morning Bill and I were packing up when it was still dark to head to our next planned destination. As I put the last things away into the motor home I turned around and caught my breath at the sight of the most amazing sunrise. The sun pushed and powered its way up behind the great Colorado Peaks with boundless brilliance shooting rays of light like fingers of fire spreading over inch of the valley making all darkness flee in an instant!


 I ran for my camera and caught more than a photo I literally saw the Light. I heard Jesus whisper in my heart, “I am the Light in all your valleys, trust and follow Me, I’ll shine the way.”  

When the way in the valley is dark with fear

When there are no stars or light of day

When you are certain you’ve lost your way

Rest assured God’s gift of Light is always near


“Light in the Valley” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© August 1 2014