Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Eagle Flew By

The Eagle Flew By

With an automatic flick of my wrist the foot rest of my comfy leather recliner lifted my weary legs up, and I sighed in relief. The past few days had been well out of the ordinary for our family with a rush to the hospital and a few days stay there for my husband. I felt drained, and admittedly weak and tired.
 Home now meant we could get back to routine. Or so I thought when suddenly frantic barking and howling from somewhere outside split our peace like a sharp knife.

But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength.

They will soar high on wings like eagles.

They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”

Isaiah 43:31 NLT     

“Something is wrong! There must be a dog up the road injured or in a fight― maybe with a coyote!” I announced to my husband as I fled out the door.

I dashed down our wooded driveway not able to see anything up or down the road until I would be able to stand in the middle of it. I looked up towards our neighbor’s house where I knew they had a mini farm with several animals which included three dogs.          

 Just as I was about to turn right and walk up the road something caught my eye to my left making me stop where I was. Something large and black zoomed just a few feet by me, and only inches off from the ground!

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! It was a bald eagle in full hunting pursuit flight with its huge black wings spread out across the narrow road and its talons spread out for attack! Then to my unbelieving eyes one second the eagle was here and the next it completely disappeared high into the evergreen trees above me.       

As I stood there caught up in the moment of this amazing sight, I felt something shift in the weariness of my soul as I heard that still small voice in my heart say, “It’s going to be all right, I’ll be all the strength you need.”

It took me a moment to realize the dog was still yelping and upon investigation it turned out to be a visiting pup tied up in the yard and very upset he couldn’t run free and play with the children.

When we least expect it, God will choose to shake up our world and shift our eyes off from ourselves and back on to Him, in the most unexpected ways. It may not be an eagle flying down the road, but there are those God Stops along the way in our lives to remind us, when we are weary He will provide all the strength we need, just when we need it the most.

“The Eagle Flew By” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© May 20, 2015

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