Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Over Flowing with Thankfulness

the old well house by Dee Kamp

Over Flowing with Thankfulness

It was a day to remember, a story to tell our kids, and even laugh over, but not so much when we were in the middle of a minor flood!

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him strengthened in faith as you were taught and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 1:6-8 NIV

It is several years ago now, that on this particular day when our family was so relieved and happy to bring home my husband from the hospital after a long, but very successful surgery. It had been weeks and home and our own bed never looked so comfy.

My sister-in-law was staying with us then and as we were about to say good night, we both jumped at the sound of a “pop” and noticed water coming down the hallway!

“It must be something with the hot water tank!” I yell.

Dear Bill was too weak to help, of course, and we ran around trying to find the water shutoff knob, but to no avail.

From the bedroom Bill called, “It’s up at the well house, run up there and turn off the switch!”

Praying all the way. Batting away my fears of the spider webs inside the well house, grabbing a flashlight I climb my way into it. With a shove the old door opens and with a sigh of relief, I find the shutoff switch.

But now, what to do with two inches of water back in the house? That’s when I remembered our new neighbors saying call if there was every anything at all-call them, day or night.

I call the neighbor, but my heart falls as I discover the husband is on the nightshift and not at home. “Oh, but I’ll be right there!” the wife shouts into the phone and hangs up before I can say a word.

Its late now, most would be asleep, but here she comes running from across the acres, down the driveway shuffling awkwardly. She is in a long fluffy bathrobe, waving a broom in the air like a sword for battle and wearing knee high yellow boots with frog eyes painted on them!

We are bent over in laughter at such a silly sight. “What are you going to do with the broom?” I call out after I can catch my breath.

“Oh, I don’t know, it was all I could think of to grab. Perhaps I can help sweep away the water?”

How unexpectedly God can turn tears to laughter. With God we have hope and even in the midst of big messes of flowing water, I could honestly say, “I’m overflowing in thankfulness.”

We can depend on God to answer our prayers, even in the most unusual ways. Together we laughed ―together we waded through it all.

"One joy scatters a hundred griefs." Chinese proverbs

Over Flowing With Thankfulness” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© October 14, 2015

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