Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus

Fixing our Eyes on Jesus

We were traveling the back roads of open farm lands the other day. I had my camera ready looking out the window and watching for wildlife or any life in action. I have learned to watch animals in their home fields and if a horse, cow or even llamas are all looking in one direction I might spot a coyote, deer or even a bear wandering there.

 Just as we were passing by a large ranch style home with a fenced arena by the road side I saw a lineup of animals all eyes ahead. There were a two stubby legged burros, two stately long eared mules, and a small Billy goat standing shoulder to shoulder with huge shaggy dog. Not an ear twitched or tail switched-all eyes were straight ahead.

….fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2 NIV

As the car slowed down I could see in the shadows of the arena a petite woman standing with one arm raised and the other held at her side observing two beautiful horses in the far side of corral. Next I witnessed the horses run at full speed around the corral area and come to a sudden halt turning to stare back at her for what to do next. She had no whip, no ropes, no whistle or a shout to command these handsome animals.

It was the beautiful sight to see how every animal adored this woman. It was love, respect, and adoration that fixed all eyes on her.

Oh, I thought, how wonderful it would be to stand in a crowd of witnesses and have all eyes fixed on Jesus like this!  For we know we can trust Jesus faithful love even more than farm animals trust one small woman. When Jesus rules our heart, peace rules our lives.

“Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© July 16, 2014


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