Tuesday, May 2, 2017

He Never Loses Sight of Us

Cannon Beach Oregon By Dee Kamp

Good morning! While we were traveling to our latest destination to the ocean last week, both Bill and I started laughing about the remembrance of one of our first times we stayed in a little cabin over looking the ocean years ago in a huge wind storm. Humor often is the lifter of our fears.
He Never Loses Sight of Us
It was dark, very, very dark with no object visible anywhere in the rented cabin at the beach on the Pacific Ocean. The power had gone out with a flash and a bang loud enough to wake us up in the middle of the night. Having been a city dweller at the time I was startled at how unbelievably dark it was in that little cabin.
As I got out of bed I had to crawl on my hands and knees in an effort to avoid tripping and bumping into furniture, over suitcases and- our black Labrador retriever named Lady! That black Labrador in the dark was in perfect camouflage from my sight.
I felt absolutely silly trying to make my way to the bathroom on hands and knees in the cave like darkness.  I whined in dismay to my husband, “Are you kidding me? You really didn’t bring a flashlight?”
If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest ocean,
even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me.
I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around to become night-
but even in darkness I cannot hide from you.
To you the night shines as bright as day.
Darkness and light are the same to you.” Psalm 139:9-12 NLT
It was difficult to hear much over the wild growl of the gale wind slamming our abode. But what came through to me loud and clear was my husband’s gentle laughter as he climbed out of bed to assist me and the wild thump of Lady’s tail warning me where she was. How comforting it was to know I wasn’t alone in the darkness.
Though it’s impossible to see in the dark of night and the dawn seems so far off times to us― its faith in God that will see us through. Its confidence in the all-seeing God who gives us courage and strength when we need it the most. It knowing though we can’t see God― He never loses sight of us.
“He Never Loses Sight of Us”  by Deanne Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© May 2, 2017

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