Tuesday, November 11, 2014

He Heard My Prayer for Company

Big Leaf Maple Brinnon WA by Dee Kamp
He Heard My Prayer for Company

The November wind storm blew gusts shaking the branches of the giant maple trees like a dog with a bone. With each heavy handed gust streams of leaves colored gold, crimson and orange sailed by me. I headed down a steep hill with the wind to my back all the while keeping alert should any cars be coming up behind me. There are no sidewalks here, so one needs get way off the road onto the grassy shoulder to be safe.

That morning I felt a little cloud of worry and loneliness. As I walked I whispered a little prayer, “Please Lord Jesus, join me on my walk today, I could sure use the company.”  But I certainly wasn’t prepared for the surprising way in which He would show me we never walk alone.

 Let the heavens be glad, and the earth rejoice! Let the sea and everything in it shout his praise!
Let the fields and their crops burst out with joy! Let the trees of the forest rustle with praise before the Lord, for he is coming! ”Psalm 96:11-13

I stopped walking soon after this because I heard a car coming up behind me.  I moved off the road and on to the shoulder and stood waiting for it to pass by. But no car appeared.

That’s odd, I though, and without a glance back figured the car turned into a driveway somewhere. But then I heard a sound like people shuffling their feet along the road. That’s when something next to me caught my eye and I spun around to see what it was.  It was not a group people hurrying along, or even bicyclists coming by, but something quite surprising instead.

There in the middle of the road was a large collection of dry fallen leaves whirling and fluttering about and settling down right beside me.

Guessing the wind quit for a moment and the leaves lost their lift to travel, I began walking again. But how very strange, as I began to walk the leaves rose up and began there noisy shuffling keeping pace with me. I did this off and on several times. I was mesmerized by the mystery of the leaves picking up and shuffling along beside me whenever I moved along.  

I knew there was a logical explanation for all of this, really. But I couldn’t help enjoying this walk with the shuffling leaves for company. With simple, childlike faith I enjoyed every minute of it, forgetting all my cares.

For surely my mind resisted such frolic, but my heart acknowledged, the Lord in His mysterious ways is able to do more than we can ever imagine. He knows what delights our heart.  And today I know, that I know― He heard my prayer for company.

“He Heard My Prayer for Company” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© November 10, 2014...

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