Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Speak it Out Loud

Cascade Mountains Washington State by Dee Kamp
Speak it Out Loud

“Who are you talking to?” my husband asked me with obvious humor. I was caught in the act once again, talking out loud when no one is around me.

I seem to be doing more of that lately. The older I get the more it seems necessary to say stuff out loud as I wander about so I’ll remember what it is I’m doing and what it is I wanted to do when I got there! But quite often I’m not really talking to myself, but rather speaking out loud to my Lord.

“I cried out to the LORD, and he answered me from his holy mountain.”
Psalm 3:4 NLT

Praying out loud and reading God’s Word out loud is not only quite acceptable, it’s practicable and very pleasurable. It’s that comfortable feeling of sharing with a very good friend,

Speaking out loud helps us to keep our thoughts from wandering. Praying our prayers out loud and saying the Scriptures out loud exemplify our deepest needs and desires. Speaking our words intensifies our expression of our love to the Lord and is pleasing to His ears.

Silent prayers are often our truest and purest prayers but there are times when it’s helpful to give voice to the cry of our heart.

It’s the truth, it’s guaranteed—we are never just speaking out loud to ourselves when we speak out His Name. So go ahead—just speak it, shout it and sing it to the Lord—He is but a whisper away.

“How often we say of our earthly friends, “How I long to have a good, long, quite talk with you!” And shall we not have the same with our heavenly Friend, so that we may really get to know Him?” Hannah Whitall Smith

“Speak it Out Loud” by Dee Kamp, Grace Every Morning Ministries© July 31, 2013

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